Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2017 06:51:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
I am happy to announce that the site should be stable right now and hopefully will stay up at a normal speed. We are monitoring the situation yet and are working on maintaining the site's stability. 

Thank you everyone for baring with us in our struggles.  

A huge thanks to our awesome owner and coders who figured it out! 

Takaia @morichinatsu Pika

Comments (88)

i’ve tried refreshing everything and trying at different times but no matter what i do when i try to attack someone i get an error and debug info 😞
Im also having trouble with submitting attacks cuz it keeps sending me to the debug info page???
I'm having the same problem as the others with submitting attacks
[having the same debug info problem as some others, just only w/ characters!!!! - ] (adding on) i also get it when editing names in particular, might be a reason?
Please fix this! I try to submit and attack I made on the website but suddenly after I clicked it it kept sending me to the debug info page for reason reason although I did everything perfectly xd

A dm or fixing this bug will help do I really want to submit it to this person!
fevriax said:
same :  trouble with “checking” a character in while trying to submit an attack- its like its not acknowledging that im clicking the button but im not having trouble else where while submitting and i can't confirm my attack without it :(
having the same debug info problem as some others, just only w/ characters!!!!
Hello for some reason when I try to submit an attack the site keeps sending me the Debug info page so whenever I try to submit it it just keeps saying that. (Please fix this or DM what can I do so I can attack)
heollo i beaive alot of us are haveing the same probolm! when ever we sumit a picture even if the image is under 5 mb it still says debug info!  i do hope you have a awnser for this, if able pelase PM me or annouce what we could do to fix it. (THIS IS FOR ATTACKS BTW, I AM UNABLE TO ATTACK BECAUSE OF THIS DEBUG/POSSIBLE ERROR)
Toilet said:
Jello i also cannot submit characters. Whenever i do it also says "debug info' i have tried everyday thinking it would go away but it wont, please help,, 
whenever I upload a character, it doesn't submit it and it says "debug info" .
Koshkix said:
It wont let me put any tags, when I click submit it just deletes every tag I added
i cant even use my profile or like edit anything- :|
The checking system for attacks doesn’t work and I’m unable to attack at all plz help!! :’(
it wont let me post attacks - every time i click “check” for characters, it doesnt work :(