Posted by Takaia on 3 August 2017 06:04:13 PM (Edited by Takaia 2 years ago)
To end another great round of Art Fight. Please stay tuned as we make some last-minute adjustments and make sure everything is in order. This may take a while, but you should hear from us by the end of the day Art Fight time at the latest. Also please be aware that the winner of Sun vs Moon isn't official until our announcement later. 

In the meantime, you can go tell us your theme ideas for next year (please no joke ones, the first couple can be funny but when there's tons it gets old) or chat with us while we do our last minute house cleaning.

Comments (240)

Bezrzad said:
Cowboys vs Aliens.
mxntii said:
Sweet vs. Sour or Red vs. Blue??
I'm very original
I don't have many ideas but here are some:
Gems vs Metals (I imagine Jewelry)
Organic vs Artificial (Basically human made and naturally born)
Fire vs Ice (unoriginal but its a classic)
Creepy vs Kawaii

That's all I have...
Fantasy vs Reality souns cool to me
Suggested Chocolate vs Vanilla~! This was a really exciting year, Can't wait to see who won!
Would absolutely love to see a Heros vs Villains theme :"D
I really like Fantasy vs Reality, But I also like Emotions vs Logic (Maybe?), Sugar vs Spice, and me personal favourite, Rainbows vs Monochrome.
Salt Vs Pepper
Burgers Vs Hotdogs
Gemstones Vs Minerals
Rat-King said:
Rats VS. Cats
Yeah Ikr I'm the smartest crearure ever lmfao, but seriously rats vs cats would be so rad!
Bootlegs said:
I love the hearts vrs mind theme It originally and sounds fun.....or human vrs Machine
Greece vs Rome?
(First suggestion I thought of since I like mythology, other than that I'm not sure)
Light vs. Dark (generic i know lol), Summer vs. Winter, Space vs. Earth, Steampunk vs. Traditional(???), Fire vs. Ice, Machines vs. Magic
I personally feel as if the teams should be left with vague themes, otherwise if there were color based teams or heavily themed teams (utopia vs dystopia as an example) people would feel pressured to modify and limit their style to fit their teams. That's just my thought, though. I am a fan of Fire and Ice.
Red vs blue
/Laughs at my own reference
can you make it so you can select more than one? like your favourites??? i really liked several ones so picking one was difficult ^^'