Posted by Takaia on 5 June 2018 01:06:48 AM
I know, it's a meme now, but we had to do it. Please go over our Privacy Policy because it's almost completely changed. By continuing to use Art Fight, you are responsible for and agreeing to the new policy.

The home page notification about this will go away in a while, just want to make sure people see it first.

Comments (6)

everyone always updates their privacy policy...but does the privacy policy ever update them...
Thanks for the notification! Went ahead and read it, looks fantastic and very professional. ^^
Thanks for notifying us!
*whispers* We've updated our privacy policy.
Sealsona said:
Thanks for the update! Just a heads up: there's a typo on "10. Security"
I'll read it now! 
Thanks for notifying everyone.