Posted by Rainy on 5 October 2018 02:12:01 AM (Edited by Rainy 5 years ago)
Hey guys! 

Stage 1 of the Art Fight 2019 theme poll is out! However, you only have 1 month to vote in this poll! This poll will end on 5th of November. 

Click here to vote!

Comments (81)

Hope vs despair or dreams vs nightmares!
cryyote said:
just a quick question, when will it begin?
Dream vs Nightmares
If Werewolves vs. Vampires won, then I better be in the werewolves team
I'd love it if there was Team OwO vs Team UwU
Hope vs despair

because we have to

or i will die
hurricane vs tornado, perhaps? cyclone vs hurricane? typhoon vs cyclone? and other variations etc. 
hope vs despair is chill with me though 
Hope vr Despair!!
mauriooo said:
idk tbh. For Modern v Vintage it might be cool if people on Vintage drew in a cuphead-esque style while people in modern drew in their own? help
Yunoki said:
Or even Toyhouse vs. Deviantart!! 
Just kidding lol
Tulip said:
I have dreamed of this theme lol!
I love the guy who said "Pizza Hut Vs. Papa Johns" XDD
1. Good vs. Evil
2. Evil vs. Wicked
3. Dreams vs. Nightmares
4. Ice Cream vs. Cake (IDK !! \^w^/)
5. Mustard vs. Ketchup? XD
alunar said:
well, that good, then no one was joking about ketchup and mayonnaise
Q-chives said:
Hope vs Despair