Posted by Biscuit on 1 December 2018 06:42:35 PM (Edited by Biscuit 5 years ago)
December 2018 Arctic Fight Minigames

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the December 2018 Arctic Fight Minigames announcement. We have some cool festivities going on this holiday month!

Logo by Tiiramisu

What are Minigames? (recap)

Similar to forum games, minigames are Discord-hosted fun little art-based games that can keep everyone busy throughout the year, and keep the community active when Art Fight isn't active.

There are 5 current games, including Draw The Person Above You, Prompts, Telephone, Guess Adopts, and Featured Character!

If you're interested, more information can be found in our Discord Server.

*You must be verified (make an introduction) to see the #minigame-info channel

December Prompts

Similar to October, we have some special prompts this month! Once again, there will be a new prompt every EVERY day! Don’t feel like you have to follow each day carefully. Feel free to do the prompts in whatever order you want, and feel free to skip prompts!

Post your creations in #prompts! These can also be used in #guess-adopts as inspiration.

We’re encouraging creativity on the behalf of our users, so feel free to @ us on our server or social media with the hashtag #arcticfight.


Art by @sanguynn

In addition to our holiday prompts running through the month of December, we are also dropping a few collabs! These will operate in a similar way to the Coffee and Tea collabs that ran during the last official Art Fight event. There will be more later, but the first of them is themed around wintry beverages, take a look! Find more information on these collabs in #minigames-showcase.


Before closing, we would like to remind everyone one last time to vote for the Art Fight 2019 themes if you have not already! This is the final poll!

Watch the video and vote here!

❄ ❄ Happy Holidays Art Fighters! ❄ ❄

Comments (10)

Biscuit said:
laphie Summer time!
laphie said:
when's the 2019 artfight happening?
Biscuit said:
poppyrous Absolutely! You're free to do the prompts anytime you please, and the collabs will be open for the whole month!
Is it okay to arrive late for the events? I'll only be free starting Dec  20 but I'm really interested in joining a few of these games though I want to ask if it's a little too late to join ?
Biscuit said:
mdragonflame There is no Secret Santa this year! We are trying out these new prompts and collabs instead. 
Sad that I dont got discord, but maybe i'll do some prompts. 
Are you doing the Secret Santa again this year? Or did I miss the information about that in the post
QU1PL45H said:
KeikoTDD So I'm not the only one!
KeikoTDD you can always do the prompts <33
I want to join but i dont have discord:/