Posted by Rainy on 10 August 2019 09:56:58 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)




Final Score...

2,029,075 vs 2,044,246

The attack that did the most damage, with the most amount of characters from the opposing team is "wormy night" by  sunminny with a whooping 16,651 points, featuring......3296 characters?!
This is a mass attack of a worm character based off the painting "Starry Night". What a unique take! 

This attack should rank among your top ten betrayals. Intended to raise nearly 7k points, at the last minute Milkbomby decided to switch to team Dream and friendly-fire Takaia, resulting in the attack receiving no points. What a traitor!

Featured Attacks: Highest Points
These are the top attacks that did more than 1000+ points of damage. Click to check them out:

PrizzaCJ @0000yr @cocomelon @chocolateregrets yesile @brennyan

Featured Attacks: Character Interaction
These are some attacks that have strong character interaction. Click to check them out:

TheSparkledash @emptycoyote StormyStarlight Eggupulanto_kun Grelliam

Featured Attacks: Film / Animation
These are some attacks that have strong animation or amazing video editing. Click to check them out:

SpicedLemonade PrizzaCJ Lezanikat @maidofsalt demoness meeeena

Featured Attacks: Crafts
These are some attacks that were uniquely done with physical materials! Click to check them out:

KillerTheremin Maxwelliot MidnightPines YeeshaStone Springfeather Snerbst

Featured Attacks: 3D Render
These are some attacks that were done using a 3D software. Click to check them out:

wibbymuffin RikaCreature @dolphinmilk @Kirby-Dash Oontzie

Featured Attacks: Staff Picks
These are some attacks that the staff loved:


A total of 369,057 attacks were made!

Dream made 185,660 attacks, resulting in 2,029,075 points
Nightmare made 183,397 attacks, resulting in 2,044,246 points

We have over 165,000 users total. Of those users, 70,545 of them took part in the fight!
Our Discord Server also saw crazy growth and now boasts almost 40,000 users!

Sixbane pumped out 1312 attacks for team Nightmare, the most out of anyone once again. In total, Sixbane has done over 2830 attacks!
@Kuro-The-Ninja did the most attacks for team Dream with 1015 attacks, and in total has done 1176!
The longest attack chain belonged to @MatchaaTea and Stereo with an amazing level 400 revenge chain?!? Wow!

Helpful Members Spotlight

Thank you to these users that were very helpful and earned the helpful member achievement this year:

Positive Users & Helpful Reports

These users have been positive in some way, or a huge reporter. ...or BOTH! 



Awesome Twitter post!






And a big thank you to the entire Support Team for being so diligent in helping out. 


You might have noticed the attack and team achievements were automated this year. If you don't have a certain badge, don't panic! There will be scheduled maintenance to make sure everyone is up to date. 
Also, we're still in the process of making the winner badge, traitor badge, loyalty badge, etc. We'll announce when we are finished with them.

Answers to Common Questions
The site will remain up and be available for viewing just like before, just without the ability to attack.In a few weeks, the Discord start up a thing called Minigames. Minigames are art related games that you can play when Art Fight isn't active. We've currently got 5 different minigames. It'll be announced when they start up!If you’d like to continue attacking others, a good alternative is an art trade conducted via PM here, our Discord, or other platform of your choice.We are still accepting donations! Any donations made during the time between fights will be put towards your donation total for the upcoming fight.

We want your feedback!

You can tell us what you thought with the 2019 feedback form!
We want 2020 to be an amazing year, so we're looking for feedback on our site and how it is designed. If you are willing, please fill out the 2019 usability form explaining your thoughts on the design. 
Want a say in next year’s theme? Vote your favorite theme here and it just might be theme of Art Fight 2020! In 2 weeks, there will be a final poll that will decide the theme of Art Fight 2020.

Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2019: Dream vs Nightmare

Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!
We also have some DeviantART stamp goodies brought to you by Sangtanic

Click here to use them!

And thank you to all of our generous donors!
1230 different people donated to support Art Fight and help keep us running for another year! 
@Silverpinerock Unknown Vanderdeer Time-to-dream sifyro @Dogantlers Sixbane Moonfoxgazer Jackster Donomon yesile Kayelsea LakeLake @tob-y @TheMunstacat Kingfreak @reshirama AsisKotsuro Kirin @Ceara ClockworkRhapsody SpeedofSins

VIP +:
@SuckMcJones RetroMaple @Un-Mixas Daarka Sangtanic Garon642 jenn Tybaxel @CanaryOfAzurite Forelle @AccursedAsche @CultivatedRose GrimRose JunoApollo @Zummin

@TinyCentaur danodraws @Dachiia nymphia @Criimi @mazzaful tenta @Romuchi AbsoluteDisaster artoni willow-wishes Aphelion meowmix sweetienectar @swaphook @TheForsakenPhoenix Mychelle @ImWyatt Sharkscry cruxius Scarletfox777 Siobhanatron CelestialKira

TiredSia @Senuca @erable RhobotRabbit @Anosofa @Berry_pai Mythrilkitty KaminooniSeika Ryderbread @Shake666Productions @12thDimensionalKat auralize maybemochas @brotienshake @AverageFurry @batskies @oronyms Keo @GheySnakeLady Woozel @retroleum Cornfiles Keres @kody-ak-bear @SearchingSpace @Kaywolf0 @linleo Sayna-Jaye @Spiritmydog @Phantasmal @ventiduh Dels AeolianMode Gurkeprinsen hatoCAFE @llancer coolartcorner Memyou kaijuuWaifuu @Eweroun DarkWolf13 HiddenHope @Linleo antth3c4t rusalkai @Theemychan Devselia DummyHeart @Anenere @WaapFu vireosy Chespien @oisteal @atmanSeijo @dunderbat ParTimeLover @pastellla @Shinzeeh SignifiedSatyr @Juno3th faygosta Nona altaria @Katvines @FearToxin technichromatic anarchy RayvnByrd @AcerbicDream Sugardust @mikaeia ori Odie cedes @Juicebox-Wai @GusMizer owlisaurus @PunchPop @HLC P-Plum lulu rabbitos SarcasmProdigy swiftyuki @KhaosDrawz Starshine hedgemaze SweetAgnostis fheros @WingedWolfAlari freddy tatertots-Art @SomeOrdinaryArtists OliviaMeower the5thslayer Apriss Akumanorobin godbird @Vertragus draconysia staniqs Lumiere @Urchinspells @halzyan @Lizziebirb @NiwiNoodle Aquarius tate Clove @AuthorofTime pandycanes @celestsadira @fictionalchildren crowcities @BrokenBirdie triceraclops Moka Budgiechu animatedZombie eternalglitch @Tiber @jingodatta MidnightPines Meganopteryx @Serquet DarkSunshine92 Nephy @The_Shadster TheAri Ezlo MugOfAtmosphere @irontrashdraws @Ethereum Koiotes ArtistinaBlock caseydraws @Spicemayart deadangle @mochiemew @sparkleshield Coshtum Calulu ShortPersonDoesArt @goatkiie rubesty @Kuro-The-Ninja Licorictus @virgilsoap apollo @TeevzArt Remeny Bludwulf Twoshoesmcgee @MimiChan @SullenAshes omenaapple Alliion cat @LutroDraws YourWaifuisGay SuperVerl @9nails teasidesketches specialhex deerteeth SalemM crowqrince Jinetix @MonsterFlavored captainsparx piineappies Pokeninjager @Abusedmule @Zenaki Zebby neuroticmoths @baldisfieldtrip Sokee @fawncynic lamby Airr Densunes Jellygay @kamiekarla @eggpowers @cubcore @Kocaao @angelbakery slick @Juba @asadpalmtree raionx @caalice Kiwiwi @jolteontails smogbody crimsuune @velociraptor Igraina @ajiiaas @Kiuirī @KingCraigy mementomoRIN Lovino hebbycakes liptonpee @moesoup @folkpunkdog deathreaper180 SoffPigeon @Deathbycardboardbox @ShyestKatia @RabbitFace tsotea @eillah Solaire KazuTheSrgl SaraKaye @draconicwolf1 Wynter DirectorLegit thaikar Coyotea CircusBalloon Rillrex utishiii @Chrysanthanos cutie-banana kuraiscreatures @Lolli Katzchenvati Miss_Hades KingBayler @Le-Vane @Deep-Sea @ppl16 bloodychain froof @soleilune fryekid PastelPunk StarrlaMae Kattywampus aisforinterval @vintage-decay @PelicanBitten @dogparties BiscuitMom @Iights Dapuffster @SpaceExeggutor dovbts Marshie Falkea @PlanetCD @aicchi Kuqqiz @bailmox @Kray0la @SpikeTheWolf @Moski woodchunk Impiousimp TaniaVue PixelMrMark Miliki @Xanavrin gh0st--d0g Dis FusionBoltzGX Okemian

Supporter + 
Coyowolf Zekrei RainFlow cassyuiu @spvce DancingHare @mohgekiss @Alienbicc @SLIMEGUTS karnstein @Yanguchitzure vorpos Valsecchi @SeiraSpinax @MinxyBaskerville JadedTongue CorvusDetritus GreaserParty @sazzakei Shroom Jalle @Flaccid_Frog @maoala @Redfirestar @ta-ak Pellimort Radja ReanimatedMagpie coldioc @darkkurenai RedRed Cosmitasia Snaptrap Claine Bann @GummiiShark @loserleech Lurdlord @GollyGeeSir Fizzelston @Keeper @princestatic @TealIce @graffstache AkariAsuki Grodlan miraelis @SwarmKat @Arkeriel KingThreshie JMCSpike ChefGatsby @Neme_Machine @Winter-Sunflower Delle SpoonLake @Ziah MysteryHat @honeybonnies Hootsewers @unicornei Monstreliques Bartolomeo dessertpunk Rhey @pawppies KittyPop skulldog @LinkIsANerd AngeltheMerman @danequinn Syrcaid Arlihoo cxndyr MikeTheDoodler Skykristal @DeeplyxScarred @steg-van-dak @BroodingBungalow samuraiflamingo @ReddZArtz Yodeldog maxload @Regina- @sunnearts metalpandora Harpo @necroire BeastSoul The-F0X chia chisshcass Raya Jazbows @wizardlup @brujite @NotSenki Leibi97 @paint-jenny Zukuro Guardy @HallowSeo LucidJackal @itmeYuna @Thornbeast Ressy niryda Marlbearo nokmiet @Coldhearted_art @RufusIsTrueBeauty dianapocalypse @Youkah AGothlyGentleman suzanami @PaperDragonflies Phoenix error707 @RainbowSmoothie kimbles RazziDazzi thetrashknight SmallSmartkitty SaltyToffee Managodess FruityPieQ Sevelliara @RetroSpectra @GingerDoctorWHO @NicoRoy yaggydigital @PoolN00dle TimTimothy TheGuyWithAHat @gloveguy-stargunner AloofFloof Kaimla icy-stardust Kinghime kisikil @SilasLeEgress Sarfiaholic @carnivore869 @belleart Taima chillin Dame-Boo Rando @HerbyFurby Verridith Gluttonace Qara MolecularMachine @Caramiel Nocturneaubade @DatKitsu Tigenki Akumers Tsuko @RoyalJelliefish @angelbunkenny Wingedwulfie SugarCub mirobug Hinus @VaultBoy @Belfryluna Catboydale leilarts pact-valkyrie DICEWITCH Karimel_Chan KurejiNeko slimyteeths

tiger @crnvl-yth @wannabe_european gracesdisgraces lambdachops @mqrble ZameerPlays @Liink @schorlys Tanka Kiki_CR @yutoya Srpouhi @EdgeL0rd Lucid @princeinuinu MapleButt clovejar ClockVine @Kritzelkind @spac3kidd0 universeofnya Tayraye @kyenel @pixelradio @Reine Coyoteprince Urexill @skaterblog paramodic @ck-alex Thelittleblackrabbit @Orcellito Dweebicusmaximus @Ørion @Gintsukii PomFluff lunablaster Chillpanes #105504 Zemoore Proriger Pika @IntrovertJay @SLEEPYKIT5 Caeleesi @mainecare yarnwitch Subjectnightmare Bilitofu @Nzenza @ModestaMutt @candydoe @MoonfaceMartin zaphior @melondoq @Fringession @MetaWolfie @consteIIations @Prince-Of-Anxiety @StrawSonder @Cinnixoth @Vanhm shiky0 Alys trinketto @stripeytalon lycheefreeze @RainyLaineyy @carnorasic Daydre @CordialCrow @RumpPlug @Raigeki @nihilisticwhisper @Xenophillia @little-lupa @Mllks MWINS MissPeya Shorty soreii DreilDream @MusicBear42 Tedz 14baristonoir @Vyxen @MadameUmbreon @cwenn @Lilyais juice-box @BetaBraun Reblod @ScriptedSpontaneity @sasoup @taaklear @yeivlon Metanyu @SlipperySoapp @K1ng0fHell @PeachPvnk AntiBagel @ipre @Ramune_Prince @Vexaphilia rradio @OscarTheDogg Murdoc @sawrfur @Sedonavi crowleymurderous EarthBound @VRmortal @gordelict StormyCat Harambe @NoctisValex @Khelais Daisy-Todd surgery @nellos falsettoland @higashikata Tori Readyforrachel @MysticParadox @vjnnie @Lckii SaltyGhost @fanhag102 @Tk-Doodles @ghostiart Blvrred @sonyseas @senluefcktirna hex Aka @zeezie octofart @jeannie @treeiights @ruubyred @wifitears @gingr @tokyoIights @FabledCave @DeadlyNorth Jesi-Jess forumsdackel tihramisu immenduo @Cloudtail Zeragolo @DrawingWithKimiko @Goldflower @gay00n @zachadile @Bachi @Johtogays @patsy @ShadyLitten @Kogarashi frogtax @nulql ZipZap @SHOUTDANNY Tenko @primaluv @Churchgrims @Sayskel @spacedementia @PirateOfPestulon AuroraAntlers Hy dubiousmushroom @TricksyKenbbit @houtarou @SyntheticDisease Supernova_king Niiero kometaf @avadonians @alfio @Starlece @smolgenesis @Sleepyyace @PinkTrashRat @PrettyPumpkinhead Narankhu @FakeGoth @WindYoshi @Corrupt @eelsauce @crocodileteeth @OfBeautyAndRage Shimery Zince @ErisBatt @SACCHll BroskiWoski @tsumeaki @llemurs @biueboii waxmoth Destrachan heathergreyfeather @Soly catcoins @Umbreon-Soul miukb SheepyStuff Mekmarchu @Trashbouquet waltz @Lilith_Strome sunshark @notclay lavellow @puneary @Alexander_Rin @KauzAtticfail @mado-P Chare SystemSayoo wqlf @triplebiscuit PwonPwon @pittysoares Anatnem Sierania Burucheri @nkyu79 @lovebiite dredgen @Peinto @cutetsuna Buckles Junaiper Disphyxia @Licoricedoctor Shibekoinu Plaidlion danvers somniens @Megaronii lassali @Corvidaees @celebi @NatiBeeVA KeyDemon @Twisted_Pictures @deeriitos @WiFiTheWildDoggo Reixner Mowsei Novella Sonic @ardesere tesla @thystlodagi Akorn10ds @saladking aIchemical Teto 66knives Picklechu Octy @lucide @Ironclockwork Purpzie @JoshIsDead letscake magikant AnigmaArts DragonCatArts @wolpertingerprince midimayo cervidicephaly @NoName-Foxycoon @mothflake @Dandykat nyvivianv Bufuserk @Wilhelmscreamed @Princepun saaros Eexpii @raelcute ArtBarrier drednaw Zinthings Zapsi lyganthrope spacydraws @Deareiki @Minitay tofu @goticointerestelar @SqueegweeArt @RAINBOW666 @os-t-o Witchuru Dai Stormtium @Boo-Tay @princecuffs spacelarva Quartzel @violetkitten18 @Boxanthic Madcarnival sheepyloaf @sheeparoo Kunaigirl Spliinkles @nebulacrow @bunnikkila mardi @3ij @MagnusGear @survivalist @DerekCasey22 @sugaploom oumakokichi @Acely HaywireRuckus Spadeinasprocket PUNPANIC @trigger-bolt @gemdoq MidnightEcho RedPalette rk8con @stargazng @vortinia UnpleasantDog CCShu Lynnalexus AlphaGodith @BadWolfRoxy PhoeniXXTalon bigfrog @ochelle rutkatz @FiendsTooth glasmos @AlenaStefa @rosentines sneakypete JustCody pastelgalaxies xephia @IllegalAngels Snakies yyxyfront @juice-pops Vanbatier @lunarleaf Qualeo @_LoveKyle_ @WaffleGearz @wacomgoblin @SpringFoxes @NebbyNoodle fledgie Ceetose @Dimitrix @WillowKasai Aabcehmu HannahvdH @sinereous Temrin-Sanjem Korp peachmaw @ehyokay MMDemon @AmphyStyles @ghostlydragon @ArtforFig @RedWing @DrCrazyCat CoffiiCorgii @HolyLancer EmpatheticMage Pilot-Doodles @mexmylaptop Naoyin @SweetChubYo Mootdoot @Strahd kokodebear @kiyena Awkee Kureoo @unsureskeletor Cybercat009 ChadW Moriartea-chan @junkenstein @Ceasie @Squidnader @animeek21 blues @Huchzermeierm Aximili @chubbybeardraws Feather-Dancer boba-deer DerCrax StarKorg @cotton-sheep @Kinkmaeda Volanteh @Ske1th @Spotted_Louie @DoodlerBee @bad-flowers Chasing-Stars

Blizzard @467 @ToddSkyrim™ FrostyFiend TimelessNickel Daisy_Williams Lezanikat theregoesmyluck dream0late KingOfPossums Raven606 @Savs-art @adrianxart dann @Arctica-The-Fox Kwillow Animhaw muii arodude Biscuit Wick Daddy @Skelela lain @Cessyhl sambeawesome DistantDespair @EnviousFanta EarlNoir RainMirage @usoi SoulEevee99 @Creamybobeany MoonieMellown Unhinged mochilemonflower Dunderi Bakatouga comfytoad SebastianTales @QuirkyKisa @haloeffect Ani @TheStevieBoy @Attack-At-Dawn AxisGenesis Herobula @Dreemeh Kunnor @raven_arts_boi @Savs-art

Comments (203)

bastett said:
I still haven't gotten my achievements for 2019
I was wondering if there was something we could do if we still haven't gotten our achievements that are related to the amount of attacks you've done?
When will we get our achievements for this year's fight?
looks so funny and creative!!!jashndjanh I want to join next year with my friends!:OOO
cyanne said:
Wasn't able to participate due to health among other stuff but gosh this year's picks were so creative!!! Congrats team nightmare! I hope to join next year :"<!
Monsoon said:
Next should be land vs sky or something elemental
Maybe fire vs water?
what if we did reality vs fantasy or felines vs canines
Aw, guess I missed it! I just made my account, yesterday, anyways. ^^uu 

Can’t wait for next year!! Nice job, everyone!! 
I was brought into this thanks to my wondrous partner AxisGenesis and will be gladly taking part in future iterations!
first art fight gg
My second art fight!!! I really didnt do much thanks to an art block but next year I plan on doing more!!
This was my first ever ArtFight, needless to say it was really fun! Will definitely attend the next one. 
Greyyex said:
First artfight, it was a great experience. Cant wait for next year!
Awesome fight!! Lovely pieces. This was my first time and it was so much fun.

(Hard vs soft? Sweet vs sour? plants vs meat? witchhouse vs vaporwave?)