Posted by Rainy on 11 August 2020 01:10:42 AM (Edited by Axel 2 years ago)
Reports on attack ratings will be temporarily disabled after 4PM MDT. If you wish to report attacks for reasons not involving ratings, (i.e. Harassment, tracing, etc.) please report the User’s profile and describe the problem accurately in the report. Once again thank you all for your help!

I apologize about the sudden site slowness yesterday and today. Due to this, the event will be ending August 11th at 7pm MDT (Art Fight time). Here's a countdown timer if you need it
After the event ends, the moderators will spend a few days responding to attacks and double checking things. The official newspost will be posted after that with the winning team. 

We appreciate the patience this last month. We hope you've all had a great fight!


Comments (255)

Ty for answering my question :) see u guys next year
thanks for a great year everyone!!! it was a pleasure and i can’t wait to do it next year. see you all soon!!  :)
another fun year!!! I appreciate the extension but it got really stressful since I had irl stuff planned for august (and it meant missing more of the summer which my family wasn't a fan of lol) ^^' 11 days felt a tad too long to extend but other than that, a wonderful year!!! gg to everyone and congrats to whichever team comes out victorious!! 
Aaaaa!!! This year was my first art fight! I had so much fun!!!!!!! I can’t wait for next year to come!!
Bro, art fight was so fun!! Everyone was such a good sport, and AAAAAA-
I'm so glad I was able to participate this year! If there's ever an art fight next year, I'll be sure to join in! This was so fun!!
This brought back my motivation, and I'm glad!
Can't wait to see which team wins, and I'll see y'all next year! Adios!
This was my first time taking part in Art Fight, and I'm honestly so glad that I did! Even over that month, I picked up on some tips and tricks, and feel like my art has improved immensely because of it!
It was fun while it lasted,
I learned some new trick due to this event.
I LOVE that art fight continued a bit into August! It was really nice to have that extra time because I am always busy in July. Maybe the extension could also happen next year ??
Gg to everyone!♥︎♥︎♥︎
i wonder what next year's themes/teams are gonna be
I'm sad that it's over. ;-; But I'm glad I was in it, to begin with. ::D had a great time! UwU Can't wait for the next years! 
Had a good time for the few attacks I did, but I didn’t get to post my biggest one that I spent 11 hours on because I thought I would have until the 13th to post. 
it was a good year, I was able to finish and post all 6 of my attacks last minute during the last two days ahah,, I was busy with online classes throughout the entirety of July so I was only able to make like 6 sketches, then leave them alone for several days and wait till I have the time to fully work on them ;v; but anyways, see y’all next year!!
Art Fight 2020 was amazing!! I was so happy!!
it hasn't been decided yet!