Posted by Takaia on 21 September 2016 07:26:13 PM (Edited by Rainy 4 years ago)

 Final Score
 113,622 vs 113,943
 It was so close! Good job everyone!

 We've got a selection of achievements that we'll be passing out for participation! Unfortunately it has to be done manually as we didn’t have time to program in automatic ones, so please don’t worry if it takes us a while to get to you. We’ll let you know when we’re done, and if you’ve still not gotten yours you can contact us.

 Here's a list of all of the possible achievements you can get:


Team Magic | Team Technology | Traitor | Winner


1 Attack | 10 Attacks | 35 Attacks | 75 Attacks


Supporter | Contributor | Backer | Sponsor


Magic Valedictorian | Technology Valedictorian | Longest Chain | Helpful Member

More than 10,000 people signed up for our first fight on the new website.
Of those users, 7,173 of them took part in the fight!

A total of 30,876 attacks were made!
3,709 of the attacks were friendly fires.
Magic made 15,413 attacks.
Technology made 15,463 attacks.
That means there's an average of 4.3 attacks per participating user.

The attack that did the most damage was “SEISMIC OVERKILL: waifu” by shiinkaku for a whopping 135 points!

There were 5 other attacks that did more than 50 points of damage. Click to check them out:

101 people donated a total of $1,649.
10 of the donors were anonymous.
An average of $16.33 was donated per donor.
We accomplished 2 tiers of our donation goal and part of the way into the third!
Thank you everyone who donated! You can still donate by clicking the button in the footer <3
Other Info
The site will remain up and be available for viewing just like before. However, you will not be able to upload attacks, nor will you be able to rate them.
If you’d like to continue attacking others, you will have to do it privately via PM or on another site!

You are still more than welcome to donate while there is no fight! Any donations made during that time will be put towards your donation total for the upcoming fight, so you’ll receive any perks that you donated for. Donation perks from this year’s fight will expire at the beginning of the fight next year. Takaia will be contacting those who got art perks shortly.

We want your feedback!
Please fill out the final survey and tell us what you thought.
Feel free to also discuss what you thought in the Discord server as well.
We're looking for theme suggestions for Art Fight 2017! Click here to tell us your ideas. Please no joke entries, however.

Last Words
Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2016: Magic vs Technology!!
Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!

And thank you to all of our generous donators!
@silverpinerock, @alienalfredo, Russet, mdragonflame, @sabertooth, @themunstacat, Ghostsenpai, @reth, @spaghettore, Varkarrus, jenn, @thegeekynobody, KingGrif, kyogre, Pika, AbsoluteDisaster, Pax, @azmaven, Brad1816, cyaf, @qeoffrey, skulldog, Redd, Gainstrive, quoting_mungo, bizarrebloodyprince, Zixmix, cbts004, Serigruh, Sixbane, Blue, city-kings, cannibalism, @bts, @kiwikidd, Delle, PastelNebulas, trashguts, pitbullie, infinipede, Uluri, mute-owl, Mychelle, boobun, Shinkei-Shinto, dragonair, arcanine, catty, SurferVelocity, foxpotion, @criminals, Yesterday, Squabble, CircusBalloon, Xshadowstar, @sadgem, Kitsunka, wxu, @SoulBeater, cat-mum, @fauxnee, lucifer , nyxibun, @sakuragx4nina, dally, @eIectrify, meszzy, Case, @spottedphyre, @wolpertingerprince, Santi, @erleuchtete, Erradox, @cutesatan, @iinewsii , rabbitos, @eIectrify, @sardlne, Biscuit, cat, Brimzy, cedar-bastion, @whovianrinny, @kiruraki, @soly, @quantumnightmare, @tackytician, spritesock, @aquaodle, and StarWaffle

Comments (64)

I wanted to be in team magic! 
Biscuit said:
I just checked your page, and it looks like you have them!
Sorry for any confusion. Good job in your 2016 participation!
Hope to see you again next Fight! 
I don't think I've ever gotten my achievement badges :((

Gecko998 said:
Hey! When is art fight 2017 coming? I can't wait!

Biscuit Thank you so much! I really appreciate your reply and kindness! Sorry once more if I made any of the admins feel rushed! I was only curious! I've got the achievement now thanks to you! This site is very fun and the admins here are hard working people! Thanks again!
Biscuit said:
@toxic-talon I'm sorry to admit that badging is taking much longer than expected-- the amount of time staff has been able to devote has been limited-- But I promise we are still working on them! Slowly but surely.
To make it up, I jumped ahead and badged you now! 
I hope I'm not rushing anyone, but I'm a bit curious if you guys are still handing out the achievements. I still haven't gotten mine and I'd be a bit disappointed if I didn't get one... Once again, no rush! I'm only curious!
Shayxy said:
Biscuit Ahh okay ! Thank you so much for the answer ! Good luck with that !
Uluri said:
I FORGOT to include This feedback: When I first found art fight, even reading the about section, I had no idea what it was about until I actually joined in. It was not what I expected. Most of my friends decided not to join because they couldn't see how the site actually worked or functioned besides the front page, and it intimidated them. The about section wasn't quite enough to describe the site as "A bunch of Art Trade Battles" or "Art RP Battles" depending on how you want play. Most cases it was "Do I have to draw robots on team technology?" and I had to explain that the teams names are just names for the teams and that it's only between your own characters and others that really matter.
Biscuit said:
Shayxy It is taking a bit longer than expected, but they are still being passed out! We're about half way through and hopefully will try and be finished up here before too long!
Shayxy said:
Do you have an idea of when everyone will get thier acheivement ? ;o;
im sorry i know it takes a lot of times, Im just worried we might not get em ;;;
I can't wait for next year's fight !!

Rainy said:
It is planned for Summer 2017! <3 
Longtail said:
When's the next one?
i can't wait for next year ;; gj everyone!