Posted by Axel on 11 September 2023 12:05:28 AM (Edited by Axel 3 months ago)

Hey, Art Fighters
We wanted to update you about the Leadership Transition newspost. As stated in the 2023 Winner newspost, the Leadership Transition newspost was supposed to be released late August.
We have ran into unavoidable delays regarding the legal process of transferring Art Fight and so the Leadership Transition newspost has been affected. We will work as hard as we can to get it out in a timely manner, while respecting the sensitive legal process.
Thank you all for your patience.

Comments (173)

good luck 🫡/gen
i hope we can still fight!! its been a lovely 3 years!
is this about the donations thing
It's such a nothing post.
Thank you so much for the update! 
baragon said:
mawbyte welcome to af where the mods refuse to explain literally anything! been here since 2018, imho its probably gonna be another 6 months before we get literally any sort of closure because thats how these ppl work lol. no hate to the exmods who stepped down and the new owners, but yep, we’re gonna be in the dark for awhile
mawbyte said:
Does no one find it a bit... odd that they came to say this right after someone commented (on the previous post) on there being legal things? This isn't really transparency when the whole thing wasn't just about leadership, but also how the donations will now be used and towards what. Why can't we get a post on that? 

This also doesn't make sense when the leadership change can still be announced as you all did in the server. You stated there should be 3 new owners from what ive seen, but not one has been announced on thr site. And the third is yet unknown by anyone STILL. We still don't know anything about donations, where the money is (according to those in the server the money was already transferred DURING july at least thats how its worded from the mods) or what its being used for. I don't get why a post hasnt been made about that when thats the biggest concern to everyone. Especially everyone who donated this season. 

And where are the feedback forms? This is all lacking and still keeping everyone in the dark. 
Ooh so that's why I can't seem to find the post? I'm glad the address it directly. Transparency is good!
Thank you for the update! An update at all means a lot! 
At least you decided to let us know, thanks!
Otyxmaix said:
Okay 👍 
kannairo said:
thanks for update! love you mods good luckkk
Thank you for updating us!! I wish you all the best of luck during the whole process!