Posted by Axel on 11 September 2023 12:05:28 AM (Edited by Axel 3 months ago)

Hey, Art Fighters
We wanted to update you about the Leadership Transition newspost. As stated in the 2023 Winner newspost, the Leadership Transition newspost was supposed to be released late August.
We have ran into unavoidable delays regarding the legal process of transferring Art Fight and so the Leadership Transition newspost has been affected. We will work as hard as we can to get it out in a timely manner, while respecting the sensitive legal process.
Thank you all for your patience.

Comments (173)

Jay-Bird said:
Thanks for updating! Take your time :)
Zichqec said:
Best of luck getting everything worked out, and thank you for the update. People really don't understand your position unless they're in the thick of it / have been through it before.

I'm sure you're all unbelievably stressed having to be the ones dealing with this, stuck jumping through legal hoops while also having many many people impatient and angry with you.

I'll wait patiently until this all shakes out to come to any sort of conclusion. I trust you're working on it, and the only thing I can do that will help is to wait and not jump to conclusions or make assumptions. 
take your time :3
thanks guys
Good luck on the leadership transition! However, I must implore about how AF is going to be moderated from now on after this year's events. Being a moderator is such a difficult job, but they made sure that Art Fight can be a safe place for all of its users and conflicts can be dealt with before they escalate too far. But now that several have resigned, I have doubts that Art Fight will be safe from bad actors (such as trolls or stalkers) exploiting the situation. Your staff has limits, and when your site's base grows and grows it can only take so much before things go wrong.

While I love participating in Art Fight, I'd really hate to see it go down. This community has united friends, passions and good memories around the globe, and I hope Art Fight can remain a great community for as long as possible.
beta__ said:
echoing what everyone said:

honestly, i completely understand the reasons for the delay. transferring leadership for websites isn't as easy as making someone the new owner of a discord server.

while the update explaining the silence could've come a little bit sooner, the transparency about why the announcement regarding a change in leadership is taking so long is a step in the right direction imo. best of luck towards the leadership change :>
As with the others, yeah I agree we should've had this update sooner.  From a day to a week after the leadership update should've come out.

Either way, I wish the team luck with the legal process! Transferring ownership of anything can be quite the undertaking.
i wish this update came sooner and without complete radio silence for two weeks, but thank you for the update! i wish y'all the best with the legal process.
Teufela said:
Legal process being lenghty and tricky is understandable, but giving us radio silence for 2 weeks after the newspost was supposed to appear isn't. As you can see in the comments, we are very patient and are totally fine with waiting, but please don't leave us in the dark like this. This post is the bare minimum we should have gotten at least a week ago, and it's not giving me much hope.
take all of the time you guys need! no need for the rush and tysm for the update ^^
For people frustrated by the seeming lack of transparency:

There is a legal process going on in the background as stated in this news post. Even if the staff wanted to explain what's been happening, they have definitely been advised against it, as doing so would affect the process and potentially damage it.

It's unfortunate, but you're going to have to be patient.

Personally, I'm just relieved they put this out.
Update jumpscare
thanks for the update!! hope all goes well
Take your time! No rush since the legal process can be tricky! 
Lewiie said:
Take your time, good luck!