Posted by admin on 23 August 2024 11:00:06 AM (Edited by sunnyshrimp 1 month ago)


Final Score...
62,042,802 vs 63,082,124

#1 Top Attack
The attack that did the most damage is "haita | apollonia" by amouru. It earned 13,891 points!

#2 Top Attack
The attack that did the second most damage is "TERRIBLE THINGS" by code9sophia. It earned 13,429 points!

#3 Top Attack
The attack that did the third most damage is "WHO BROKE IT? MASS ATTACK" by FalloDK. It earned 13,298 points!
Warning: This attack is filtered for Sensitive Content and contains the following: 

Art Fight x Makeship
Seafoam vs. Stardust Pins

Before we get into the statistics and featured attacks, we’re thrilled by how much you guys loved the Werewolves vs. Vampires enamel pins, which is why we're so excited to announce that we’re releasing a brand new Makeship campaign for Seafoam vs. Stardust enamel pins!
This campaign will run for a limited time, so be sure to get them while they're hot! Pins are sold in a pair for $19.99 USD, so you don't have to pick a team this time around.

Art Fight 2024 MAP
Art Fight is proud to present the completed 2024 Bubble Tea MAP, brought to you by 38 wonderful Art Fighters! Check it out by clicking the image below!
Thank you to both scribedhearts & cyxxie for the wonderful work hosting! 

Featured Attacks: High Character Count
These attacks feature a lot of different characters. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Character Interaction
These attacks feature compelling and creative interactions between characters. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Film / Animation
These attacks have strong animation or great video editing. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Traditional
These attacks are stellar examples of all the things you can do with a traditional medium! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Crafts
These attacks are uniquely created with physical materials! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Comics
These are some amazing comic attacks! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: 3D Render
These attacks were created using a 3D software. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: VTuber Model
These attacks were created using software to create a Vtuber model, which also feature complete rigging! Click the thumbnails to check them out:
Featured Attacks: Game
These attacks are interactive and stylistic games! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Staff Picks
These attacks are some of Art Fight Staff's favorites this year!

Regarding Top Attackers & Revenge Chains
Throughout the years, we’ve been blown away by the determination and dedication of users who have challenged themselves to create large volumes of attacks over the duration of the fight. It is truly an incredible feat! But at its core, Art Fight is a battle where everyone's contribution matters - regardless of how fast you can draw. To steer clear of any hostility, and to continue promoting a positive and uplifting environment, we have made the decision to stop featuring the top attackers and longest revenge chains in our end-of-event posts. No amount of attacks is too little, and no revenge chain is too small!

General Statistics
Over TWO MILLION attacks were made this year - can you believe that? That's almost double the attacks from last year!
Team Seafoam made 1,005,350 attacks and 348,716 friendly fire attacks, resulting in 62,042,802 points
Team Stardust made 1,019,571 attacks and 397,705 friendly fire attacks, resulting in 63,082,124 points.

User Growth
As of August 2024, we have officially hit a million registered users - what an amazing milestone! Of those users, 425,217 of them took part in the fight!
196,833 new users participated in their first fight. 228,384 are returning users!

Helpful Members
Thank you to these users that were helpful in all different aspects this year. All of these users did something worth recognizing. Give them a follow!
In addition, Art Fight wouldn't be possible without the incredible work of our volunteer Staff Team. Thank you to all of them for their hard work this year!!

Updates & Info
General Information
During the off-season, the site will remain functional and viewable. You will be able to browse and submit characters, you just can't submit attacks until the next event! 
If you’d like to continue creating art for others, a good alternative is an art trade conducted via PM on-site, on our Discord, or another platform of your choice.

Since this year's points have now been finalized, all rating reports that moderators did not get to will be automatically closed. Site moderators will continue to work on non-rating reports throughout the year, however.

Now Open: Moderator and Developer Applications!
Our volunteer applications are now open! We’re looking for site and chat moderators. All moderation positions with Art Fight are volunteer-only at this time.

Additionally, we’re excited to announce that we are formally accepting applications for developers! Art Fight is looking for both front-end and back-end developers in both volunteer and paid positions.

For more information on both of these opportunities, you can visit our Volunteer Information page. Please thoroughly review the information therein before submitting an application.

Team achievements for Art Fight 2024 will be automatically awarded to accounts sometime before the start of the next Art Fight event.
These assets are still being created, so thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Want more opportunities to draw for others? Check out our Minigames, which we host on our Discord server! We do not have an ETA for their opening at this time, though you can expect them within the next few months.

We want your feedback!
If you have a few minutes to spare, we would really appreciate your feedback on this year's event! We've also begun polling on potential themes for Art Fight 2025, so be sure to check that out too.

Did you love Art Fight this year? Was there anywhere we could improve? If you've got any thoughts on what worked for you this year and what didn't, please use this survey as an opportunity to tell us!

Attack ratings are an integral part of Art Fight. We're always looking to improve them, so please give your thoughts about them here.

Have a theme suggestion for AF2025? Suggest it here!

Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2024: Seafoam vs Stardust!

Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!

Comments (714)

Plushpup said:
Juliedino Oh, yeah... 
This was so much fun! This was my first artfight year it was hard since I had severe tendonitis in both my wrists, but I still had a lot of fun and tried to manage as much attacks as I possibly could.

I look forward to next year hopefully I can do better and not have to deal with severe tendonitis in both wrists. Congrats to the winning team and I hope people had a great Artfight! 
Plushpup Brother there are thousands of users, the chances of being featured are always going to be very low It's not about your art
Since it looks like it's dying down, a reminder that if someone posted a comment that you don't agree with, you can always 

A. Ignore the comment (highly recomend)
B. Respond in dms (Keep it civil though and a conversation, this is not advice to start sending hate messages)
C. Block the person if it's negative enough (not like you p wanted to draw their oc if you're writing an angry/touch grass comment)
D. If the comment mentions something that's inappropriate (like in the original comment) you can report the comment and leave it up to the mods to deal with the comment
Desperatly waiting for this years results...... on the bright side though my wolves vs vampire pins just came in the mail and I LOVE THEM 😍😍🥰🥰🤍🤍
Will take the time to reply so I can clarify some points:
1. You're right actually, I should've mentioned that I was exaggerating to prove a point. I like to do that with my comments sometimes, maybe there's a tone tag for it I don't know about?
2. Fair point
3. I still don't think you should've mentioned suicide on the internet where a LOT of people can see this kind of stuff,
and 4. Sorry, it kinda came off as that to me.
For real this time, I'm not gonna reply further, I don't want to fuel the fire anymore.
Plushpup said:
One, I'm not trying to embody the deadly sin of Envy. :pentagram:
Two, and yes, I know that practicing and looking for tutorials on YT isn't that hard. 
Three, yes, I know it's the internet, obviously. Also, that's how I felt. Also, I already know that whatever pictures, messages, or even videos will float on the internet for a very long time. 
Four, I wasn't trying to make a said "Ignorant" comment. Also, yeah, it's okay. Just don't say it again. :I :/ •~•
Congrats everyone!! I loved seeing everyone's attacks and spirit this year from the sidelines. 🤍
Plushpup Replying to this comment you made, this is honestly just rude and disrespectful. I'd say this website is actually pretty beginner friendly, it's a really nice community to be around, and you can also have your OCs drawn by other people when July rolls around, not to mention you can even get compliments and criticism from other members.

I don't think they're forcing anyone to get better at drawing, the post just highlighted only some of the art people made, and even then, you're definitely embodying the deadly sin of Envy. If you're jealous of other people's art, why did you join in the first place only to say "oh, I wish I became a better artist?" Just follow some YouTube tutorials and practice drawing every day, it's not that difficult.

One last thing: Why did you mention people getting so jealous they have to harm themselves?! You know this is the internet, right?! Anything you put on there will last forever, even if it gets deleted. It comes off as incredibly rude to the people who actually had to experience these events for themselves.

Sorry if this comes off as super rude by the way, I just wanted to mention how ignorant your comment is. If you really feel this way about a silly art game, maybe it's best to take a break from the 'net for a bit. I will not reply further, I only wanted to point out the obvious.
Plushpup said:
Thanks for caring. And I do agree with what people are saying. I'm not saying "Stfu", or " Shut up" to the people who are telling me. And yes, I clearly started drama despite not being an attention seeker. Overall, thanks for your concern. 
Scifer said:
The stars are eternal! Great artfight everyone. This was my first year joining in and I had an absolute blast.
Plushpup said:
Back at you, true Girliepop, clearly. Also, if I'm going outside, you're coming with me. >:O
CONGRATULATIONS code9sophia !!! You deserve it after all that hard work!!! Can't wait for next year 🎉 
Plushpup your argument that only 'popular' artist are featured is by no means correct. I do not know any of the featured artists aside from the #2 top attack being one of my personal close mutuals who only has about 300 followers on their main platform Tiktok, which was an absolutely amazing achievement that they earned due to the time and commitment towards their attack.

Also saying that you don't want to caused drama when you clearly already have. If you really don't want to the best thing to do is stop relpying to comments or genuinely try to see and agree with what people are saying.

I understand you feel hurt and jealous but again that was something that shouldn't have been posted publicly to a million users. Please seek support irl as despite my tone I'm angrily concerned for you and your safety.