Posted by Biscuit on 22 May 2017 05:49:44 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)
As of today, everyone will be granted 1 free username change. This is being put in place to reduce the amount of multi-accounting and help out everybody who has thought about wanting to change their username. Be careful, as you only have ONE chance to change it. The limit is being put in place to prevent us from getting flooded with requests, as name changes have to be done manually by staff. If you would like additional name changes after your first, it will be available to you through a donation perk. Please note that the Donation Perks page is from last year and is not currently up to date quite yet.

Also, note that we can adjust your username for minor changes (capitalization, number removal, etc.) for free!

IMPORTANT: When you receive a name change, you are agreeing to giving up your old username, and that anybody in the future can take that name.

If you would like to change your username, please contact a staff member listed on our Contact Us page.  

Comments (14)

How can i change my username? This one is super outdated aha
pretty12 said:
how to change my username?
Will we ever be able to do this again ;0?
puffinu said:
Really need to change mine please. Not trying to be that person, but this one brings back trauma and I've been trying to work on my mental health. 
Is this ever going to happen again, my username is extremely outdated, I never changed it before
how much is it for a secound rename as its said the first is free, i want my username to match the user i plan to never change
Meejiry said:
Where can I change my username? I've recently changed all my accounts to the same username, I want to do the same for artfight!
-azalea said:
when i try to email it says that the email provided does not exist.
Aglet said:
Where exacty do I change it?
I filed in a name change a while ago but it still didn’t happen, do I send another?
Where can I change it?
Bootdog said:
I don't appear to have it??? is there something we need to do to get to the place we can change our names?
Rainy said:
autumns-dusk, the name change doesn't expire. You may change it whenever you like! 
How long will we have the name change available to us? Does it have an expiration date?