Posted by Rainy on 8 August 2018 06:12:46 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)
Art Fight has ended! Thank you all for participating. 

Now that the event has ended, you won't be able to attack anymore. However, the site will still be up and you will be able to do everything but attack. 

Please give the moderators a few days to tend to reports and adjust ratings before the official winner is announced. You are encouraged to report any incorrect ratings you see! 

Comments (283)

Well, it was an amazing season this time 'round and I cant wait for next year

I just want to thank you, and the rest of the team. You all worked so hard for this to come through and it was amazing as ever. I love Art Fight and want to support it any way I can. Now you all need to take a well deserved nap and take a break <3 
OkaCola said:
This was really fun for my first year! Can't wait for next year! I wonder what the next theme will be!
Fun fun! Art fight was a great experience and I can’t wait for next year!
This was really fun for my first year
Gl everyone!
It was fun! This is my first year and now I can't wait to draw new characters with blood At next year! Good luck everyone!
That was fun, can't wait for next year <3
May the best team win!(nah, both are pretty awesome) As a first time participater I quite enjoyed Art fight, can't wait to see y'all next year and DESTROY EVERYONE IN SIGHT fight again!
I look forward to participating in next years event!

Forelle said:
Can't wait for next year's fight. : D
Good luck everyone! I can't wait to draw again next year!
Taiinted said:
gosh this is my first year and i'm glad i joined, as i needed motivation to actually work on pieces digitally, and i feel i've grown tremendously with digital art through this month alone, so i'm thankful this site exists! (best of luck to both teams!!)
apollie said:
Man, I'm a first year and this an extremely motivational and fun time. Will definitely watch the site, submit more characters during the rest of the year, and I will definitely come back next year!
This was my first year and I only joined yesterday >.< At least I got some attacks going and it's been super fun! Good Luck everyone
Eeee!!~ this was really fun plus it’s my first time doing art Fight so I’m definitely going to participate next year hope to fight you guys next time ≧◡≦
Thanks for another fun month of Art Fight! I managed to surpass the amount of attacks I did last year, and hope to do the same next year.