Posted by Rainy on 8 August 2018 06:12:46 PM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)
Art Fight has ended! Thank you all for participating. 

Now that the event has ended, you won't be able to attack anymore. However, the site will still be up and you will be able to do everything but attack. 

Please give the moderators a few days to tend to reports and adjust ratings before the official winner is announced. You are encouraged to report any incorrect ratings you see! 

Comments (283)

This was my first year and I'm glad I joined!! Cant wait for next year!
This was a lot of fun! Can't wait to do it again next year
I wish I'd done more but hopefully next time I'll have more confidence in myself.
Welp this was an interesting experience! I have joined for the first time this year and I joined really late and had other stuff to do so I posted really few attacks ( I even have one in progress I will not be able to finish this year ). But I hope to be more active the next year! Great game everyone! I've seen so many amazing art here! Keep it up everyone ^^ And good luck!  
I didn't do as well as I hoped to this year, but I'm proud of what I did for my first time.
I hope everyone had fun! I can't wait to see you all next year!~
Well I have had alot of fun on this my first year! Gg everyone! 
For this being my first year of Art Fight, it's been a blast!! Cannot wait for next year, hopefully it comes fast!! ^^
Great job to everyone this year, both teams!! c:
This was a fantastic experience! Really enjoyed myself in my first fight. I'll see if I can do it next year as well!
Out of curiosity, when will the Tea badges be handed out?
This was awesome expirence I can’t wait for next year! gg peps! See you next year!
Raaxeei said:
I'm sad that it's ending, but it was real fun. Can't wait for next year! It sucks that i have to spend the last hours of Artfight in school :'(
It was fun, GG everyone. Can't wait to participate next year
This was fun, gg everyone. This was a very good game.
This was really fun! I'm a bit bummed I didn't do more attacks (since I'm basically burned out e.e" procrastination hooray) but I promise I'll do more next year! Also because it's my first time here I was a bit sluggish or smth. But I thank everyone for this fun year of Art Fight and I'm excited that we'll do plenty more in the future!  <3 also sorry for the long message ;w;"

I'm late, aaaaaa
But for the first year it was really fun!!! q_q I loved this fight and community! I will wait for next year,,, Thank you all,,,
Stereo said: