Posted by deactivated7 on 19 September 2016 06:30:03 PM (Edited by Takaia 8 years ago)
It’s crunch time and you’ve only got 24 hours left to fight! We encourage everyone to try to go out with a bang! The score is very close, so it’s anyone’s game. We’ve also got a variety of achievements to give out at the end, and the more you play, the more likely you’ll get one of these.

As you may have noticed, we replaced the countdown timer on the home page with just a clock. It turned out that the countdown was not using the site’s timezone, but instead the timezone of the viewer’s computer (local time), so to avoid any confusion, it has been removed until we can fix it. The clock, however, runs on site time and can be trusted!
(The countdown timer is back!)

On another note, if you happen to notice your scores change from now until the end, don’t worry too much as that is just the mods doing last minute checks to see that people scored themselves correctly. Because it’s crunch time for us, too, you probably won’t be getting any kind of notifications or warnings when a mod modifies the score on a piece.

We will try to have the final results and statistics ready for you as soon as we can after the event ends! Please remember to stick around afterwards for voting on next year’s teams and to check out any achievements you might’ve received, as well.

Comments (24)

Would it be Fire vs Ice next year?
Rainy said:
Yes! Your account will not get deleted.
GoodGravey @rubyrebecca123 Shayxy torterrart   Munching_Derp 
The next Art Figbt is planned next summer. However, we have briefly discussed it being a biannual thing, and maybe start sometime in the Spring or Winter, but nothing has been decided yet.
woof said:
aaaa this was so nice!!! I recieved so many adorable drawings and got to draw so many adorable characters! Can't wait for next year :"D <33
also is it just me or did a big part of the magic team like... fall asleep near the end? //panTS// I was working my hardest and we still lost. But oh well, it was super fun anyways! ;v;
So so sad it's over. It's great fun. Wish this could be used as a platform for just impromptu trades in general! No fight needed. Maybe to earn badges or medals! It was hard to explain to friends too, so not a single one of my other friends joined as they thought it sounded shady. (even I almost didn't join, I seriously couldn't figure out what the site was about for awhile. I had to "figure it out" which was kinda weird.) ^^; I loved it though! I just, want more. :C Maybe a winter/summer games sorta thing would be fun? 
Either way, complaints and all (very sorry that I have them!) this was an awesome thing to join! So I'm happy I did. Thank you!
I'm not sure if anyone asked this before, but when artfight starts up again, will we be able to log in to our current account again?
This was my first year and I joined a little late but I had a great time! I hope that we wont have to wait another year for it though. (But I can tell that this is a huge project so maybe I shouldn't ask for so much.)
Jin-chan said:
tech won???? WOO
Kitsunka said:
This year was really fun. So many great OCs to draw, so many attacks/revenges to make (I think I speeded up my drawing progress thanks to AF xD)
Thank you all~ See you next year~
Shayxy said:
Hanw, I didn't know the site was gonna close for a year. DD:
I really enjoyed the concept, it's encouraging for artists to draw and all ... :c

It'd be nice if we could still have the platform. Not necessary teams, but, like, personal points ? idk
It's just really sad it's "ending" for now. :CC
When will the next one be like the __ vs. __? Please don't make it a year from now *^*
zaycu said:

we should have art fight more then just annually! i feel like you would get more people and money that way! 
scream said:
hassjkwkwmwmaksosinsmsksos why
Rainy said:
Jin-chan  MysteryWolfGamer: Art Fight will be done for the year. In around July-August, it'll be around again! We have briefly discussed hosting one in the winter or spring, but nothing has been decided  
Gainstrive: That's conplwtely up to the users! It should go a little quiet, but people will most likely still be chatting. We're not closing down the server if that's what you were asking though
Zixmix said:
MI'm glad that the site will remain up and I'll be able to view my bookmarks and such so I can get back to those who attacked me. I felt so bad! My art takes a while to complete because I only like posting my best and so I didn't come nearly as close to the amount of attacks as I got defenses but I wanna just shout out and thank everyone who did attack me. I will definitely be drawing the "revenge" still but it will be on my deviantart. This is such a wonderful site! I kinda wish it wasn't just once a year. :(