Posted by admin on 14 June 2024 12:08:16 PM
Hello Artfighters,

Based on staff discussion and user feedback, we have made adjustments to the rules regarding suggestive themes. The edited rules can be found here.

   First and foremost, we’d like to clarify the reason that the changes to our suggestive themes filter had been made, specifically the section related to removing fetish art from the site, even if tagged under suggestive themes.

   Previously, we have had issues with a certain subset of users intentionally drawing art for (or requesting art from) unsuspecting and non-consenting users, some of whom were minors, that contained fetish art. This is called “fetish mining,” a practice wherein a user intentionally ropes another into participating in fetish works without the other user’s knowledge and consent. In order to combat this and reduce mod strain, we decided to remove fetish works from the “allowed” list under suggestive themes.

   Ultimately, after careful consideration of user feedback as well as several rounds of internal review, we decided that the removal of all fetish works was not going to help us combat this issue. Instead, it led to more uncertainty (as it is difficult to define what isn’t/is a fetish when it comes to suggestive work), as well as more moderator strain due to needing to delete all prior attacks/characters involving fetish. Instead, we have edited the filtering guide to once again allow fetishes, with the caveat that any works have to be non-penetrative (i.e. no people/objects are allowed to enter the body), cannot involve ageplay, consent play, or bodily fluids/waste, and MUST be filtered under suggestive themes. For those affected by moderator action following the previously made changes, you are free to reupload your characters so long as the works they are involved in keep in mind our guidelines. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused!

   Additionally, we have also added General Rule 11 to combat fetish mining. It reads as follows:

  • 11. Fetish mining, which involves soliciting fetish art without the knowledge and consent of the user involved, is a bannable offense.

User Questions

1. What is considered fetish art? How does staff determine what is/isn’t fetish?

  • Fetish art consists of content that is intended to provide sexual gratification to the viewer/artist via a specific scenario/object.  The artwork may or may not initially appear “SFW” to someone who is not aware of said fetish. Regardless, if any content is intended to satisfy a particular fetish, it MUST be filtered under suggestive themes.

2. Are drawings of trans characters or characters who do not conform to gender norms considered fetish art?

  • No. Trans characters and gender non-conforming characters are not inherently fetishistic and would never need a sexual themes filter on this basis alone.  We have been and always will be an LGBTQ+ positive and friendly space. We care deeply about making other LGBTQ+ folks comfortable in all of Art Fight's spaces and ask that if you see any homophobic, transphobic, or other forms of discriminatory content on-site to please report it or contact a moderator about it as soon as possible.

3. Are drawings of fat characters considered fetish art?

  • No. Drawings of fat characters on their own are not inherently fetishistic and will not be considered fetish art. The same goes for any body type, whether exaggerated cartoonishly or not. The initial wording of “over-exaggerated proportions” was intended to refer to fetish art, not cartoonish works or different body types. We recognize the initial wording was poor, and it has since been removed.

4. Will I get banned if I unintentionally create fetish art?

  • No. We only ban for fetish mining if we are sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it is both intentional and targeting minors or non-consenting adults. Users who have unintentionally appealed to a fetish will not be punished. For fetish characters needing moderator action, such as those without a suggestive themes filter or characters participating in fetishes that are disallowed on Art Fight, you would simply be alerted to the changes made by a moderator after the necessary actions were taken.
  • If you have any specific questions about particular characters or fetishes, feel free to DM a moderator that is okay with receiving questions about suggestive content.
Other Updates

  • A minor update has been made to the phrasing regarding NSFW content involving feral characters. Previously, the text had stated: “This includes characters who are sapient, alien creatures/animals, or monsters/fictional creatures.” This text was intended to specify that ANY feral creature, regardless of being made-up or real, couldn’t be drawn in suggestive or explicit situations. Due to confusion regarding these rules, we have altered it to read: “This also includes fictional or made-up animals.”

Additionally, we’ve made some minor changes to the following rules:

  • General Rule 7: Specified that comments are included
  • Upload Rule 1: Added additional bullet point
  • Upload Rule 3: Added additional bullet point regarding uncredited photography
  • Upload Rule 5: Specified policy on smaller creators
  • Upload Rule 6: Clarified that characters based on current real life tragic events are not allowed
  • Spirit of Art Fight Rule 6: Clarified that "point farming" is not allowed
  • Filtering/Attack Guides: We're currently working on updating visuals and removing old/inaccurate images from our guides

   We acknowledge the unfortunate timing of this newpost. We’ve been actively working on these changes throughout the week, and believe it'd be ideal to sort everything out on-site before the stream so as to not confuse the influx of users that become active once the theme has been revealed. We understand the importance of this issue, and want as many people as possible to see the changes made, so we will be linking back to these updates in the next few newsposts to ensure that all users are well aware of the changes made.

Comments (280)

I have a humanoid squid character with tentacles, I don’t know if they fall under fetish or not. I just mark them with a warning to be safe.
Thank you for listening to your userbase! I was quite worried for a good while, there, but it's nice to hear that people won't get nuked at random for having characters who just happen to be freak weirdos. I'd say I'm happy.
u guys r so awesome 
Cawziiku said:
Kriscox said:
Thank you for listening to users’ feedback and experiences 

I've found that people typically follow character permissions. So as long at you have it listed in your character's permissions, you shouldn't have a problem. And if someone doesn't read your permissions and does draw anything you aren't comfortable with, you can go to a mod and let them know.

Plus, you can go into your settings and completely block anything you don't wanna see in the "User/Site" tab in the settings.
svampira said:
I haven't commented on this before because I genuinely believed it was going to be fixed but the nsfw/porn rule still isn't clear enough. If nudity is allowed, on the basis of what is a work (not containing other banned things like erect genitals or sexual fluids) considered to be going against the rules and when is it just artistic nudity? It seems to me it only falls down to what the mod thinks the artist's intent was. 
mathrock said:
Truly a relief to hear, it’s good to have a clearer definition on things like fetishes and clearer limits on historical tragedy based characters under moderation
Thank you for listening and clarifying the new rules and restrictions.
Thank you! I'm glad to see it re-allowed!
But here this update says "we have edited the filtering guide to once again allow fetishes"
However when you check the rules, in the spoiler for disallowed explicit content, it still says: "depictions of fetishes and kinks." are disallowed.

Should I assume that they only specified they "edited the filtering guide" to mean the rules will be updated soon too? Or am I misreading something?
(I hope this was in English ^^; lol)
Thank you very much for listening to us! 
I think the clarification for fetish mining is especially huge! You should probably add that to the main censorship page just to make sure it’s seen. I think that’s definitely better than before.

I still think there will be a few grey zones, something like a villain hypnotizing heroes into fighting each other in a non sexual manner comes to mind since that isn’t exactly consensual, but I’m more comfortable trusting the mods to handle those now.
Thank you, this is definitely a big improvement!