Filtering Frequently Asked Questions

Last edited by leafjelly, 21 June 2024 08:17:42 AM


Can't find an answer to your question? Still need help? Contact a moderator for individual help filtering your art.

If you see something that needs a filter, please use the report button, and a site moderator will handle it as soon as they can.

Filtering FAQ Sections

Use Find Word / ctrl+f / ⌘+f to jump to the section.
  • General
  • Gore
  • Body Horror
  • Nudity
  • Suggestive Themes
  • Eye Strain
  • Sensitive Content


1. When should I put a filter on the whole character?
You should filter the whole character when their general design, thumbnail image, or written description contains something that needs to be filtered. For example, if the thumbnail of a character’s page contains nipples, the entire character must be filtered for moderate nudity.

2. Are minors allowed to put filters on their attacks?
Yes, minors can use the body horror, gore, eyestrain, and other/sensitive content filters. They can use the moderate nudity filter, but should not be creating, requesting, or receiving any attacks that would need the suggestive themes or extreme nudity filter, as stated in Upload Rule 9.

3. When I use the report button, will the person I reported know I reported them?
No, only moderators can see who made the report. The reported user will not know it was you.

4. Should I make a report even if I am unsure if I’m right?
Yes! Please never hesitate to report something if you think it's in violation of our Site Rules. Make sure you have your filters set to show if filters have been applied, so as to not report something that is already filtered.

5. Someone has multiple rule breaks. How do I go about reporting them?
The ideal way to report multiple rule breaks or filter misratings is to make one report where you link to all other attacks or characters in the comment section and explain what each rule break is.

6. How do I set my filters to show if something has been filtered?
On the Settings page of your account under Site Image Filters you can choose to filter, censor, or completely hide other characters or attacks that are filtered.


1. Do I have to filter scars?
If the scars seem fresh/raw or the drawing depicts other forms of gore, it must be filtered appropriately. Healed scars, however, like mastectomy and self-harm scars, do not need a filter.

2. If a character’s insides are not organs, but something like a cake or crystals, does that need a gore filter if the insides are shown?
If the insides are not mimicking any organs or blood, it does not need a filter.

3. Do skeletons/bones/skulls need a filter?
No, bare bones do not need a filter if there is no gore drawn.

4. Do amputations/stumps need a filter?
Healed stumps or amputations do not need a filter. Raw looking ones do. See “Missing Limbs” in the gore guide.

Body Horror

1. Do extra limbs need to be filtered?
No, but if they are distorted or appear uncanny it needs a body horror filter. You can see examples on our Body Horror Guide

2. How distorted should a character be to be filtered?
This is up to moderator's discretion, but usually, we judge on how unsettling the distortion appears. A diagram of examples is on our Body Horror Guide.


1. Why do male nipples require a censor/filter?
Due to United States law, we are obligated to enforce the censoring of female nipples to minors. To stand strongly against sexism and problems with characters of non-binary genders, we have decided that all nipples must be censored on Art Fight, regardless of gender. Nipples require a moderate nudity filter.

2. Do udders need to be filtered?
They do not.

3. I put hearts over the nipples on the character to censor them, why do they still need a nudity filter?
If the method for censoring ends up looking too similar to nipples, it may still need the filter. Making the censors a little bigger usually helps!

4. Do nipples poking through clothes need filtering?
Yes, a moderate nudity filter.

5. Do naked butts need filtering?

No, unless they are portrayed sexually, then they will need a suggestive themes filter.

6. Do cleavages need filtering?
No, unless they are portrayed sexually, then they will need a suggestive themes filter.

Suggestive Themes

1. Does lingerie need filtering?
Lingerie does not need to be filtered unless it is accompanied by suggestive posing or purposefully highlights genitalia.

Eye Strain

1. What is chromatic aberration?
Chromatic aberration is an effect where a blue and a red layer of the artwork is applied and is shifted a bit to the left and right. This creates an illusion of the image being crisper and some degree of 3D. It can be harsh on the eyes and uncomfortable to look at. Due to this we require a Eyestrain filter on it.

2. How slow does blinking/flashing have to be to not need a filter?
If the flashing is less than 3 blinks per second, it should be fine.

Sensitive Content

1. Do guns or weapons need a filter?
They do not, unless they are pointed towards the character's own head, which requires a Sensitive Content filter. Or if they are bloody, which requires a gore filter.

2. Does smoking a cigarette, marijuana/cannabis, or vape need to be filtered?
Nope, all of those are fine without a filter.

3. Does alcohol use need to be filtered?
Nope. Alcohol use and bottles are fine without a filter.