Posted by classicturtle on 1 July 2023 05:59:25 PM (Edited by classicturtle 7 months ago)

Welcome, Art Fighters!
The time has finally come.

Joining the event
To join a team, click the "current event" button on the top right. You'll be able to be sorted into a team from there!
For more information about the fight, check out our About and FAQ page.

To attack someone, click the submit tab on the top left to be taken to the attack submission page.
When posting attacks, make sure you check if anything needs to be filtered. You can check via our nifty Maturity Guide.
If you are having trouble understanding how to rate your attack, make sure to check out our Attack Guide.

If you have additional questions, get in contact with a moderator or join our Discord server.


Team Badges

To show your team pride, use the badges made by Sangtanic and leafjelly on your Art Fight profile! You can add them to your profile by clicking the little emoji on the text editor.

Theme Reveal

If you haven't already seen the 2023 theme reveal video, you can watch it here.

New filtering system!

We have made some changes to our filtering system. The filter categories are the same, but your personal filter settings are now easier to use and understand. Go to your settings to have a look and adjust the filters to your preferences.

Changes for filters include:

  • New design for your personal filter settings
  • Characters and attacks in filter categories you have set to hide can no longer be accessed. To see them, change the filter to censor or show instead.
  • Extreme nudity and sexual themes are hidden for minors, they will be accessible when a user turns 18
  • With the update to the system, all user filters have been set to "hide" by default. Go to your settings to set your preferences.

Changes to the attack guide

  • The “Drawings” category has changed name to “Drawn / Painted”
  • Clean Color and Painting under the Coloring subcategory has been merged into Clean Color.
  • Added that painting a 3D printed version of a 3D model counts as a self produced texture. (In the 3D section.)
  • Clarified that question 8 under Crafts in the attack FAQ relates to crafts only.

New additions to the team

Please give a warm welcome this year's new additions to the team! banannie mintberry amongus SOCKY and rejoining us is @Virixin !  Thank you for your hard work thus far!

Art Fight 2023 Banners

The 2023 Banners are here!  A big thank you to Axel for all his hard work!  Thank you for your patience.

All characters here can be found in this tag!  The owners are also listed in order below.
Vampire Banner 1, from left to right, front to back: minersblog | @TYTOBITEZ | UnknownSpy | RabbitJaguar | Kayelsea | Santiago | Manakete | yesile | triggerbolt | Nethew | Zaezar | EmbyrFyre
Vampire Banner 3, from left to right, front to back: SharaXOfficial | Kingfreak | @canopicgirl | Managlyph | Lioness | Kirin | Silkirose | Mozzie | @kodyACKbear | Jackster | whichlights | PitchblackDragon
Werewolf Banner 1, from left to right, front to back: Trinket | IndustrialAngel | SALEZMANRADIOZ | JungleBeaks | GHOZTSHXRKZ | @Voidseers | Freeway | Wolfiria | cinnamonbunnydog | ReanimatedMagpie | @Shakipiyo | SOCKY | Nocturn02
Werewolf Banner 3, from left to right, front to back: neotabu | ClockworkRhapsody | TheLateHeron | SP00KY | wrathberries | @SamisHere | Lanesy | sifyro | @YeenBeanz | Maoilix | PhoeniXXTalon | dreams0da
View the HQ versions on our Deviantart Group!


Comments (673)

sw3kk3r2 said:
tbh i'm just mostly wondering why the fricc fracc the recent characters and attacks still don't show unless you click on the hyperlinks- iirc last year it worked fine, and the year before too, i know it might seem like a small thing but man seeing the new characters and attacks immediately on the home page was rlly convenient
Gotta agree wth everyone down,, i have only been on artfight for 2 years, but i remember it being more active?? even if it was less people, dunno :(
Kindynos said:
Very Disappointed  at this year,, the lack of public transparency with all the issues, yes, on the website, not on discord, is even more infuriating.
This year will probably be the first time I'll fill the feedback form. I seriously hope you guys bring in some more coders and admins before next year's fight.
Dtwakat said:
As someone who has been on ArtFight for a long time now I can safely say that this year's problem are the collected droplets of problems that formed a puddle.

"We are aware that BBCode is having issues right now—please be patient as we work to fix it!"
Has been proudly displayed on the character editor FOR YEARS. The was no theme vote after some controversy, the banners were late and most importantly the "loading issue" has been going on for 2 weeks at this point.
Despite these glaring issues, there isn't a sliver of communication and there never has been. To add salt into the wound, anyone that wishes to speak via their discord requiers a TWO STEP verification. Aka. giving the even more controversial employees at discord your phone number. 
As an additional side note, the tag search is still labeled as "new" and continues to operate under the guise of being a "test" despite the fact that this feature was added in 2021...

With such a cool theme I really wanted this year to be fun but I'm struggeling so hard from a general wave of disapointment from all those issues and only comming across people with abysmal battle ratios... never ever had I put in so much engagement just to find someone to battle with :(
It's not like I browsed it much before myself but I remember last year I had more visibility, interaction and traction from when the Recent Attacks were actually noticeable- that was how a lot of people found me. Many users utilized it for that reason alone and was probably another intended purpose of that being function anyway. You can still click it, but either people aren't going to bother or don't know it can be clicked. Not to mention- I have been seeing plenty of people complain about the lack of revenges and attacks (on and off site) and this is most likely a big reason why it is all happening. Not saying it is the only reason, I can name a few more, but it is definitely a factor. I'm not sure what these 'technical issues' are, but I already slightly suspected it to not be fixed until much later. This year just feels weird and distant after a lot of disorganization drama happened- and it sucks because I love the theme.
Eevee33 said:
DarkArtsAnna 100% agree on this, I had much more interactions last year. Since the start of the event I think that only two people I don't know followed me? This year is really weird.

I don't actively search for new characters to bookmark, so I never click on the link to see them, but before the start of the event when the recent characters thing on the main page was working, I always stumble across a character who looked cool and I bookmarked so much of them! Since it's hidden I just... didn't bookmark anyone at all, other than from the submission of the people I follow?

I'm not even sure what the "while resolving load issues" means, wasn't that referring to the start when the site was very slow? It should be all good now, no?
SelphieT said:
Eevee33 As said DarkArtsAnna, the fact that recently posted attacks and characters are no longer visible had a big impact and not only for the teams.

The lack of visibility this year for artists who are not ultra popular has very bad consequences. To compare last year at this same period of the month I had received 10 attacks (excluding defense) This year only 2. I must admit my motivation is down.
Go team! >:D

I will revenge, I also do friendly fire <3

I definitely think the 'Recent Attacks & Characters' being hidden has somewhat impacted this event.

EDIT : // Formatting
Furline said:
Looking for vamps to revenge >:3
Friendly fire is always welcome too!!
Attack me if you dare! I always do my best to revenge but sometimes it takes a lil bit ^^`
crydollz said:
someone pls attack me im desperate at this point
Half of the Artfight is over and I am going to destroy all of the Vampires! My attacks are so devastating that you can´t even fight back! I am just getting started! 
Eevee33 said:
We're halfway through the month, when the recent attacks and recent characters stuffs on the main page are going to be back? I know we can click and it works here, but I feel like not a lot of people actually click on it.