Guide to Eye Strain Filter

Last edited by leafjelly, 18 June 2024 03:23:04 AM


Eye Strain

Eyestrain refers to any images which can potentially cause visual strain.
Warning: This page includes depictions of eyestrain and epileptic imagery with examples hidden under a spoiler tag.

Chromatic Aberration

Images and art with Chromatic Aberration need to be filtered.

Optical Illusions

Images and art with optical illusions need to be filtered.

Epileptic Imagery

Epileptic imagery are visuals, art, and images that are harsh on the eyes. These can potentially trigger epileptic episodes.

Flashing & Strobe Effects

Animation with a rapid flashing/strobe effect need to be filtered under Epilepsy. Flashing refers to animations/gifs that have more than 3 blinks per second.
⚠ The example below shows what is okay WITHOUT a filter. We did not include a flashing/strobe example to avoid putting epileptic users at risk.

Bright Colors

Images with bright colors usually do not need this filter unless the entire image is extremely saturated.

Animation & Bright Colors

Animation utilizing very bright colors, especially red, green, yellow, and cyans, need to be filtered.