
Posted by Rainy on 1 July 2022 06:01:18 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Welcome, Art Fighters!
The time has finally come.

Joining the event
To join a team, click the "current event" button on the top right. You'll be able to be sorted into a team from there! 
For more information about the fight, check out our About and FAQ page. 

To attack someone, click the submit tab on the top left to be taken to the attack submission page.
When posting attacks, make sure you check if anything need to be filtered. You can check via our nifty Maturity Guide.
If you are having trouble understanding how to rate your attack, make sure to check out our Attack Guide.

If you have additional questions, get in contact with a moderator or join our Discord server.



Team Badges

To show your team pride, use the badges made by Sangtanic on your Art Fight profile! You can add them to your profile by clicking the little emoji on the text editor. 

Theme Reveal

If you haven't already seen the 2022 theme reveal video, you can watch it here

Lead Moderators are here!

We have been working on our staff structure recently, and have made the decision to introduce two new roles: Chat and Site Lead Moderators! These are the folks that have final say over important decisions, guide moderators, and help out behind the scenes. 

Give a warm welcome to our Site Lead Dartwind, and our Chat Lead cyxxie!

New Contact Page

We've added a new contact page that should make it easier for you to access help on the site! It lists all the moderators, what languages they speak, and what they can help with. Check it out here. The footer will be edited to reflect this.

Collaboration with HelloPaint

As you may have seen us announce in our previous newspost, we are collaborating with HelloPaint, the successor of iScribble!

We invite you to join us on July 15th at 7:00pm UTC on a board exclusively for Art Fight, where you will be greeted by a special Art Fight 2022 background for the respective teams. Your job is to draw your character on top of the background, interacting with background elements. We will feature the finished drawing on our Discord and the 2022 winner newspost! Come join the fun~

Another note to 3D artists

We would also like to address what we announced about bases in our last newspost. We've gotten some feedback and now have a better understanding of how important bases can be to a 3D artist's work process. This is why we are reversing our decision and are allowing base usage (with limitations) and vroid models this year! You can read about the changes in the section beneath! We want to apologise if we hurt anyone with our previous post or made it seem like we don't care about the 3D community. That was never our intentions!

We would also like to remind you that we are made up of volunteer efforts. We make art fight what it is on our free time, whether its development or moderating. We are just a group of people who want to bring you the best possible event, and on our way we may make a mistake or two!

We hope the 3D community will be happy with these changes. We worked very hard to bring you something that would let your creativity run free AND guards the game against any loopholes like spray painting a sims 4 cat as an attack (this would NOT be allowed under our current guidelines). And remember to give feedback in the forms at the end of the fight!

Art Fight aims to create a welcoming space for artist diversity and we hope these changes reflect that. Happy fighting from the team!

Rating updates

Apart from some minor text changes, point tweaks, and some new examples, here are the bigger changes in the guide this year:

3D Modeling
- Vroids, digital doll paintovers and base usage is now allowed and have their own subcategory.
- Rigging has been added as a subcategory.
- Finish and light subcategories have been removed as they were redundant or confusing to define.

- Clarified that painting figurines (fully) is okay for craft paintovers.
- Added brick builds to the bead category.

- Renamed "type" to "amount of movement" for clarity.
- Added "mixed movement" as a way to categorise attacks with both partial and full animation.
- Added PMV to the animatic subcategory
- 3D animation have been moved to tweening, as rigging is covered under the 3D category now.
- 2D vtuber models now have their own category to make up for any rigging work.


Some reminders of changes we made last year:

Art Fight 2022 Banners


Like a character you see here? Click here to view the official tag
Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.
View the banners in HQ on our DeviantART group here

Posted by Rainy on 22 June 2022 10:39:26 PM (Edited by Anolee 9 months ago)

Art Fight 2022 Theme Reveal
The themes have been revealed! 
made by Sangtanic

It's an Art Fight tradition to reveal the themes with an animation exclusively created for Art Fight! 
We streamed the reveal on Twitch, but if you missed the stream, you can find the video uploaded to Youtube.

Pick your team early @!

In order to level out traffic, we've decided to open up Team Registrations EARLY. The advantage of signing up early is that you get to pick which team you want to be on, as opposed to being sorted to a random team on July 1st. 

We are currently getting things setup on our end, and in a few days you will be able to pick your team by accessing this link. You'll know when picking a team is available by a site notice (a red banner at the top of your screen).

Additional Updates & Announcements

Upcoming Attack Guide Update

If you have been reading up on how to rate your attacks for this year via our attack guide, make sure to check it again closer to the fight start! We will be making some category changes to the animation section, as well as some minor change of wording to other categories. We thank you for your patience, and hope you will like the changes we are working on.

A note to 3D artists

Edit: This section is currently being re-discussed because of some valid criticism. We hear you. <3 

 Lots of love from the team!

Collaboration with HelloPaint

As you may have seen us announce in our previous newspost, we are collaborating with HelloPaint, the successor of iScribble!

We invite you to join us on July 15th at 7:00pm UTC on a board exclusively for Art Fight, where you will be greeted by a special Art Fight 2022 background for the respective teams. Your job is to draw your character on top of the background, interacting with background elements. We will feature the finished drawing on our Discord and the 2022 winner newspost! Come join the fun 

Art Fight 2022 MAP

Yes, you heard right... We're spicing it up this year and are hosting an official Art Fight MAP. This is brought to you by scribedhearts & cyxxie!

A MAP, or multiple animator project, is a collection of short, animated clips created by various artists compiled together, usually to a specific song. This ArtFight season, we'll be hosting a FCFS (first come first serve) MAP where your assigned song section will be an attack on another user, and then at the end of the month, compiled with all the other attacks and edited into the chosen song. The song we have chosen can be found HERE. Afterwards, the video will be uploaded onto our official Youtube channel!

You may apply to the MAP by accessing this link. Please note that the first 30 submissions will get accepted, and after that you may apply to be a back-up. 

Art Fight 2022 Prompts

Like every year, we have some fun prompts for you to prepare a little every day until the fight starts. You can do as many or as few of these as you want. Have fun with it! When you do a prompt, you can also post about it in the #prompts channel in the discord! Have a peek at the graphic below to see what this years preparation prompts are!

Art Fight 2021 Achievements

2021 Achievements are here! They have been automatically given out, and you must have submitted at least one attack to be eligible.  

Cyberpunk Loyal - Steampunk Loyal - Traitor - 2021 Winner

Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.

Posted by Rainy on 12 June 2022 10:38:07 PM (Edited by Pika 2 years ago)

Art Fight Start Date

As tradition, Art Fight 2022 will be starting on July 1st, at 6:00 pm UTC. Please check the countdown on the front page for the exact start time!
We recommend you start preparing yourself by updating your characters and bookmarking some characters early!

We also wanted to remind you that drawing attacks before Art Fight starts (July 1st) is against the rules. Not only is it unfair to others, but it shatters the spirit of Art Fight. 
If you attempt to do this, your account may be banned.

Theme Reveal

The 2022 Art Fight Theme Reveal will once again be streamed on our Twitch!  The theme reveal will be happening on June 22nd 2022, at 10:30 pm UTC. 
The theme reveal is an annual animated video that reveals the team before the fight. This video is brought to you by our lovely artist Axel. Mark your calendars! 

Picking a Team Early

At some point before the fight starts, you will be able to join a team early on the site. Different from last year, it will be hosted on the site, rather than a form. 
The advantage to picking a team early is that you get to pick what team you want to be on! If you don't pick before July 1st, you'll be sorted on the team that has less members in order to keep balance. 

Other Updates…

Site Rule Updates

We have made some changes on our multi-account rule. You now can have multiple accounts, but only one can be active and on a team. 

Changes to Sponsor Tier

Due to increased amount of characters on the banner, we have made the decision to raise the Sponsor tier to $800. This will become effective when Art Fight starts, July 1st.
Anyone who has donated up to 300$ this current year (2021-2022) will still be eligible for the banner reward and grandfathered in. Similarly, anyone who donates $300 before July 1st will be eligible for the banner. 

Collaboration with HelloPaint

If you've been on the internet for a while, you may have heard of a website called iScribble. It allowed you to draw with your friends on the same canvas! HelloPaint is iScribble's successor, and we're proudly partnering up with them! 

Sometime in July, we're inviting you to join us in a massive drawing collab featuring the 2022 theme. This collaboration will happen in real time, and partaking might even reward you a little something? Who knows...Dates and details will be released soon! 

100 Character Limit

This update is from last year, however we just wanted to remind you that there is now a 100 active character limit. This decision was made because profiles with more characters than this were becoming difficult to moderate, and having no limit on characters uploaded can greatly increase the number of images Art Fight needs to host.

In addition to this change, there is a new "Character Archiving" feature that will allow you to "keep" characters beyond this limit. Archived characters will not be attackable and will have minimal profiles, but their names and any attacks made on them will still be visible to users. Archived characters may later be restored to an active profile, though they will need to have images and text re-added. More information on archiving will come when the feature releases.

Not to be confused with the user character limit, we have also added a limit to the total amount of characters able to be added to attacks. There is now a hard limit of 100 characters per attack.

2021 Achievements

You might be wondering about the state of the 2021 achievements. Rest assured, they are still happening! Our artist is working away and will be finished in time for the fight.

Discord Server

Trying to find targets? Join our Discord Server where you can partake in our channel Target Hunting - a channel designed to find users to attack.  

Posted by Rainy on 11 February 2022 01:59:30 AM (Edited by Rainy 7 months ago)
Hello Artfighters! 

The time to choose the Art Fight 2022 theme has come. To vote, please visit the Google Form below to submit your vote. 

Before you do, here's a few things to remember: 

  • You only have ONE vote. Unlike the first poll, you can't vote multiple times. 
  • You may edit your response after voting. Just visit the same google form under the same email. 
  • You'll receive an email once you vote with your answer! 

* New: 
The form is now closed and the theme for 2022 has been picked! Stay tuned for more details. 
Posted by Rainy on 3 January 2022 06:47:17 AM (Edited by Rainy 1 year ago)
Ever wanted to help out Art Fight? We have positions for both site and chat moderators open. If you think you have what it takes to be a moderator, please apply below!

If you have already applied in 2021 and have nothing new to add, please do not re-apply. We are still heavily considering and processing those applications.

• You must be at least 18 years old to apply
• You must have participated in one Art Fight Event (does not include minigames)
• We are looking at users who are active on the Art Fight site or Discord server
• Being in the Art Fight Discord server is a requirement. Any applicants that are not will be ignored

Please apply here.
Posted by Takaia on 16 August 2021 05:28:39 AM (Edited by Takaia 2 months ago)

Final Score...
19,429,501.25 vs 19,398,751

#1 Top Attack
The attack that did the most damage is "Oh we were bound to get together, bound to get together!" by Abby with 13,506 points!

(please see the attack's description for the full animation!)

#2 Top Attack
The attack that did the second most damage is "yeah? yea" by Omorice. It earned 10,041 points!

Featured Attacks: High Character Count
These are some attacks that feature a lot of different characters. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Character Interaction
These are some attacks that have strong character interaction. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Film / Animation
These are some attacks that have strong animation or great video editing. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Crafts
These are some attacks that were uniquely done with physical materials! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Comics

Featured Attacks: 3D Render
These are some attacks that were done using a 3D software. Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Featured Attacks: Game
These are attacks that are made in a video game format! Click the thumbnails to check them out:

Staff Picks
Here are some staff favorite attacks!

Revenge Chains 

The longest revenge chain belonged to bat_wings and @tacua with 412 levels!! 
The second longest revenge chain was between lcarus and kaleido-ghost, with 300 levels!!

These three revenge chains are some staff picks!
cryptidsock and Stereo level 142 | SpaghettiGremlin and FruityPieQ level 9 | @fauxlapis and Weissowa level 5


General Statistics
A total of 748,614 attacks were made!
Steampunk made 377,328 attacks, resulting in 19,429,501.25 points
Cyberpunk made 371,286 attacks, resulting in 19,398,751 points

User Growth
We have over 377,217 users total. Of those users, 147,413 of them took part in the fight!

69,199 new users participated in their first fight. 78,214 are returning users!

User Statistics

The 3 Team Steampunk users who made the most attacks are:

ladybug - 1,529 attacks
@libraryofruina - 651 attacks
sylvekid - 501 attacks

The 3 Team Cyberpunk users who made the most attacks are:

Sixbane - 2,190 attacks
EdgyCatWolf - 1,178 attacks
@tacua - 1,060 attacks


Helpful Members
Thank you to these users that were helpful in all different aspects this year. All of these users did something worth recognizing. Give them a follow! 

A big thank you to the entire Art Fight Staff and Support Team for making this event possible with all their hard work!


Team achievements for Art Fight 2021 will be automatically awarded to accounts sometime before the start of Art Fight 2022. Their assets are still being created, so thank you for your patience in the meantime!

Answers to Common Questions

The site will remain up and be available for viewing just like before, just without the ability to attack.
If you’d like to continue attacking others, a good alternative is an art trade conducted via PM here, our Discord, or other platform of your choice.

Minigames 2021-2022
In a few weeks, the Discord server will start up "Minigames"! Minigames are art related games that you can play when Art Fight isn't active. We currently have 5 different minigames- keep an eye on the Discord for news on when they'll start up!

Here's a preview of some of the games:

Give some art and get some art! Claim a spot by posting a character or characters you would like drawn, then draw the character the person above you posted!

Design a character and auction it off for free through a guessing game! Adopts are encouraged to be based on a theme (a food, bath bomb, song, ect), whoever guesses the category right gets the adopt!

Draw your or your friends' characters using the given prompt! Prompts change the 1st and 15th of every month and range in theme from palette prompts to drawing your characters doing specific activities.

If you're interested, join the Discord Server for more information!

We want your feedback!

If you have a few minutes to spare, we would appreciate receiving your feedback on Art Fight 2021 via the following surveys! There is also a poll for Art Fight 2022's theme, so be sure to check that out!

General Feedback Form
Want to give some general feedback surrounding Art Fight as a whole? This form is for you!
Art Fight Usability
We want to hear your thoughts about the layout/UI and how you use certain features!
Ratings Feedback Form
Ratings are an integral part of Art Fight. We're always looking to improve them, so please give your thoughts about them here.
Art Fight 2022 Theme Poll
Vote for your favourite theme in the Art Fight theme poll for next year!

Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2021: Steampunk vs Cyberpunk!
Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!

 |  |   |   |  |   |  |

Posted by Pika on 30 July 2021 06:01:12 PM (Edited by Pika 1 year ago)
Howdy all! There are about 48 hours left of Art Fight 2021!!

Here's a rundown of what to expect for the end of the fight:

  • As mentioned in a previous news post, team point totals will now be hidden until the winner reveal.

  • The winner reveal and final point totals will be announced on August 15th, 2021.

  • Site moderators will spend the time between the fight's end and the reveal going through attack reports and making rating adjustments as necessary.
    You may report incorrect ratings on attacks until August 5th, 2021 at 5:00PM MDT. After this point, you will no longer be able to report attacks for incorrect ratings from Art Fight 2021.

  • There are currently no plans to extend the fight this year- the planned end date is still August 1st, 2021 at 12:00PM MDT. You can view the countdown to the end of the fight on the front page of the site.

  • Don't wait until the last minute to submit your final attack- the site will likely see some slowdown in the final hour of the event, and you will not be able to submit attacks once the the clock hits 12:00PM MDT on August 1st. Staff will likewise not be able to submit attacks for you after the event ends.

  • Please note that the "Recent Attacks" section on the front page will be removed once the event ends, and won't return until next year's fight.

A few site updates were also made in the past week:

  • The size dropdown on attacks no longer defaults to "simple-shaped"- you will have to select a size from the dropdown

  • A list of filters currently on characters and attacks will be visible to all users regardless of their filter settings

  • The text editor emojis were updated to the Art Fight mascot emojis from discord

We're almost there folks! Good luck on those final attacks!!
Posted by Rainy on 5 July 2021 02:16:50 AM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Art Fight 2021 Banners

Steampunk Banner 1
Lanesy @Paperblade Jackster @chromaticVipera octolu 
Steampunk Banner 2
Kingfreak Sedoris solemngrub64 Daarka Trinket Manitka @Planchelle cinnamonbunnydog Cae COCONUT LakeLake
Cyberpunk Banner 2
Unknown @Decaffeinated  Kayelsea @nitrodevil Sixbane sifyro AsisKotsuro @TheKingInTheNorth Donomon  SharaXOfficial CyberneticSanity

Like a character you see here? Click here to view the official tag
Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.
View the banners in HQ on our DeviantART group here

Posted by Rainy on 1 July 2021 06:27:10 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Welcome, Art Fighters! The time has finally come.

Joining the event
To join a team, click the "current event" button on the top right. You'll be able to be sorted into a team from there! 
For more information about the fight, check out our About and FAQ page. 

To attack someone, click the submit tab on the top left to be taken to the attack submission page.
When posting attacks, make sure you check if anything need to be filtered. You can check via our nifty Maturity Guide.
If you are having trouble understanding how to rate your attack, make sure to check out our Attack Guide.

If you have additional questions, get in contact with a moderator or join our Discord server.



Team Badges

To show your team pride, use the badges made by Sangtanic on your Art Fight profile! If you need help with adding them to your profile, click here.

Theme Reveal

If you haven't already seen the 2021 theme reveal video, you can watch it here

Getting and switching teams is now easier

Rolling for a team via the button will still get you a random team, weighted towards the team that has the least fighters at the moment. BUT, you can now easily switch to your desired team during the event. You have 2 team switches. You can also become a spectator again at any time if you should not want to participate in the fight anymore while the event is still active. An alternative to becoming spectator is to hide all your characters. This way you keep your team color, but no one can attack you. Switching to spectator and back again does not use up a team switch. This means Administrators will NOT be doing team switches for any reasons this year, as the button can be used instead.

Friendly Fire now gives 20% of the full score instead of 0

We wanted to give a little boost to those who want to attack their fellow team-members, but in a way that would not get in the way of the competitiveness and spirit of the game. So we hope those of you who like to attack anyone in their way regardless of team will enjoy this one! The percentage may change next year, as this is a trial run!

The points will be higher this year!

We have upgraded the math of the point system! Expect higher scores! We also worked on balancing the points related to type and character amount. We hope you like the change! Keep in mind our point system will likely need some more tweaks the upcoming years, so nothing is set in stone. If you notice anything strange or have feedback, there will be a form at the end of the fight that you can fill out!

Animation ratings have been changed

This year we have added Animatics as a category! We have also changed up how to rate your Animation Type! The ratings now depend on how much of the character is animated. Characters can be added the amount of times they show up in different scenes, not counting recycled/re-used scenes. In addition, we now have an option for when only the background is animated. You can check out the changes here.

You will not see which team is in the lead the last 48 hours of the fight

As you know, staff take some days at the end of the fight to go through reports on the site and correct ratings so the team scores are correct. This is one of the reasons why we will be hiding the total team scores at the end of the fight for the last 48 hours, like we did last year. You will still be able to see individual scores of yourself and others, just not the bar that shows which team is in the lead. You can still make attacks, as the fight will still not be over yet! (The fight ends 1st of August 12pm MDT.)


Here’s a few helpful links to get you started:

Art Fight 2020 Achievements

2020 Achievements are here!

Spice Loyal - Sugar Loyal - Traitor - 2020 Winner

Thank you to Axel for the beautiful banners, team badges, and animation reveal.
View the banners in HQ on our DeviantART group here

Posted by Rainy on 25 June 2021 12:45:38 AM (Edited by Anolee 2 years ago)

Art Fight 2021 Theme Reveal

The time is finally here. 

Stamps by Sangtanic!

It’s become a tradition to animate a short video revealing the theme. This year, we revealed the 2021 Art Fight theme on stream. If you missed the stream, find the video uploaded to our Youtube.

Early Bird Registration - Pick your team!

Yes, as we stated before, you will be able to pick your team early by clicking on this google form and following the instructions. Please be aware that you won’t get on your team immediately, it will take some time to process. The form will close June 28th.  

Site Update - June 2021

In this update:

  • ToS has received updates

  • Rules have received updates

  • Filtering guide has received updates

  • Character tagging and tag search is now possible!

  • You may only upload a max of 100 characters. If you have more than that, you will not be able to upload more until you go below 100.

  • Character archiving is here! If you have a character but don't want to hide them, you can archive them. See below for details.

  • The ability to hide a user's CSS theme

ToS Update

We have updated the Terms of Service. We recommend reading through the policies for yourself, but here’s a summary:

Clarified Prohibited Content
- Sexually explicit content, including depictions of illegal sexual acts under US federal law.
- Content that depicts/mentions sexual exploitation of minors/visually appearing minors. (Disclaimer: Height is not a deciding factor.) This includes minors in any sexualized situation. This in particular is taken very seriously and can result in off site investigation and account banning.
Clarified Links to Other Sites and Materials
- We do not regulate what is posted outside of Art Fight and will not search through offsite activity unless given a legally serious reason to (e.g investigating claims of pedophilia). 

Rules Update

In addition to the ToS update, we have updated the Rules Page. You can click on the page to read a summary. Please be aware that the last major rule update was done in March, and if you have not read them recently, we highly recommend to.

Filter Guide Update

We've updated our filter guide, also known as the maturity guide for Art Fight 2021! Have a look at the changes and make sure your characters are filtered correctly.

New Site Features & Additions...

We have a number of exciting site updates that we think you'll all enjoy. This is brought to you by our developer, Pika. <3 

Character tagging and tag search
One of the most highly requested features is here. You can now tag your characters through their “edit” page! Characters are allowed up to 10 tags each, which will enable them to be searched in the new Tag Search. For example, if you have an anthro cat character, you might consider tagging them with "anthro" and "cat".

  • The new Tag Search can be found under the "Browse" menu item, or by clicking this link.

  • This search is also available to all users, regardless of donor status! Searching for a tag will return up to 48 randomized characters with that matching tag. You may click search again to return another set of randomized results.

  • Character Tags are currently in testing, so there may be some changes in appearance and availability of the feature over the next few weeks while we break it in.

  • If you come across tags that go against the Maturity Guidelines, you can report them as "Other", or message a site mod on discord.

Hide Theme Button
There is a new "Hide Theme" option on User Profiles, located on a new header dropdown button. Clicking this option on a user's profile will hide any custom CSS/theming they have on their page for the duration of your log-in session. We will be discussing the ability to hide custom CSS globally in the future.

Subscription Notification Changes
Subscription notifications no longer contribute to your total notification count next to your avatar in the site header. Instead, when you have new subscription notifications, a "new" badge will be displayed next to the subscriptions link. The "new" badge will be dismissed after visiting the subscriptions page.

Character Archiving
The 100 active character limit that was mentioned in the previous news post is now being enforced. There is no penalty if you currently have over 100 active characters, but you will not be able to submit new characters until your active total is below 100. In order to reduce your active characters, you may either archive or delete them.

Archiving is a new feature that will allow you to "store" characters not in use without completely removing them from the site. When you archive a character, their commonly moderated fields are deleted (images, description, and permissions), and they are hidden from your profile. Archived characters may not be attacked, but their names remain linked in any attacks they appear in, and they have a minimal profile that other users can view. You can also view their Attacks tab.

You can choose to restore an archived character later, and they will return to your profile and become attackable again. You will need to re-add any images, description and permissions at this time. Other fields are retained. Archiving is recommended over deletion unless you'd like to completely remove the character from the site.

You can find your archived characters under the "Archived Characters" tab on character management, or by clicking this link.

As mentioned before, this decision to reinstate the character limit was made mostly due to moderation strain over the past year with profiles that had more than 100 characters. We have found the vast majority of users have under 100 characters uploaded, and we think 100 characters is a fair amount to showcase for the event. We hope the new archiving feature will be a good compromise for having this cap, and will allow you to cycle characters out without losing their page and attack data.

Here’s a quick guide to the different visibility levels for characters and when you might want to use them:

Active - A character that appears on your profile and counts towards your active total. These are characters you want to be attacked for the current event.

Hidden - A character that does not appear on your profile and cannot be attacked, but still counts toward your active total. You might hide a character if you don’t want them to be attacked right now and have plans to unhide them later, or if you have under 100 active characters and prefer hiding to archiving.

Archived - A character that does not appear on your profile and cannot be attacked, and does not count toward your active total. This character has their images and most of their profile removed. You might archive a character if you don’t want attacks on them for the foreseeable future but would like to keep their name linked on old attacks and preserve their URL, which you could potentially restore later. You might also archive characters if you have over 100 active characters and wish to cycle them out without making them a brand new character later.

Deleted - A character that has been completely removed from the site. This is non-reversible, and you will need to submit a new character if you want to put this character back on the site. Archiving is recommended before deletion if you would like to preserve your character’s name on old attacks and have easy access to their old attacks.