
Posted by Takaia on 3 August 2017 06:04:13 PM (Edited by Takaia 2 years ago)
To end another great round of Art Fight. Please stay tuned as we make some last-minute adjustments and make sure everything is in order. This may take a while, but you should hear from us by the end of the day Art Fight time at the latest. Also please be aware that the winner of Sun vs Moon isn't official until our announcement later. 

In the meantime, you can go tell us your theme ideas for next year (please no joke ones, the first couple can be funny but when there's tons it gets old) or chat with us while we do our last minute house cleaning.
Posted by Takaia on 31 July 2017 11:13:59 PM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)

There has been some concern recently over how attacks of minimal characters have been getting a disproportionate amount of points. To address this we ask that when categorizing your attack you categorize attacks of characters similar to the ones shown above, as well as characters that have simply lines for their body/limbs, as “head/bust shot”. 
While these attacks feature the character’s entire body they do not include “an entire body” and as such should not be categorized as full body. Thank you for understanding! We will be going back and adjusting the categorization of attacks to fit this interpretation of the rules. If you see any related attacks that are marked incorrectly, you may report them (don't worry, such attacks will not get an official warning). We plan on addressing this in a more integrated manner before next year's fight.
Art courtesy altaria <3
Posted by Takaia on 24 July 2017 03:45:46 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
Because of the slowdown at the beginning of this year's fight, we're extending Art Fight by  a couple days, so now it will end at 12:00PM on August 3rd. The event and the timer on the front page have been edited to reflect this. Thanks again for your patience during the downtime!
Posted by Takaia on 16 July 2017 06:00:47 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)

Please fill out this survey if you're interested in Art Fight shirts!
Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2017 06:51:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
I am happy to announce that the site should be stable right now and hopefully will stay up at a normal speed. We are monitoring the situation yet and are working on maintaining the site's stability. 

Thank you everyone for baring with us in our struggles.  

A huge thanks to our awesome owner and coders who figured it out! 

Takaia @morichinatsu Pika

Posted by Biscuit on 2 July 2017 04:05:58 AM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)
We are sorry for the amount of lag Art Fight has had since opening up earlier today. 

The lag is due to heavy traffic, and staff is doing everything we can to get the site back up to normal speed for everyone here as soon as we can!

Please be patient as we work through this. It would be appreciated if users use the site minimally until the issue is resolved, so that there will be less site traffic slowing things down. 

Thank you for your support! We will announce when the site is fixed. 

For now, please feel free to participate in our Discord chat, and follow our Social Medias for updates!
Posted by Biscuit on 1 July 2017 06:05:58 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)

Today, July 1st, marks the start of Art Fight 2017! We hope everyone has fun participating. 

To help you get started, here’s some basic explanations:



How to get sorted:

Now that the event has officially started, you can click “Current Event” in the upper right hand corner to check it out. Once there, you can go ahead and get sorted into a team.

Team sorting is done manually to help prevent teams from being flooded with abandoned and inactive accounts.

Which team you get sorted is mostly based on how many users are on the teams already, to help make sure that the user count is balanced and each team has an equal chance based on member count.


How to attack:

Once you’ve been sorted into one of the two teams, you are then able to click the Submit button in the navbar and there should now be “Attack!”.


What is rating?

Once the fight has started, you may notice a Rate Attacks option show up under Browse. Here, you can rate attacks that have been submitted, giving them a small addition to their points if you upvote them. You can only vote on each attack once a day.

This is not a required part of gameplay! It’s just if you want to take part in it.

You also do not need to be on a team to rate! Spectators, if you want to have a little part in the game too, now’s your chance!


What if I have extra characters on X site? / Can I accept “new designs” as attacks?

Due to the nature of how attacking works, people will be unable to “attack” your characters from other sites or do new design attacks on you. However, this does not mean that you need to upload everyone here to Art Fight or that new design attacks are impossible!


To allow people to do these kinds of attacks on you, you can upload a “general” character, or rather, it’s not a character at all. Title the new ‘character’ something along the lines of “Extras”, “New Design Attacks”, or the website(s) that you have your other characters listed on. Giving the ‘character’ a thumbnail/reference image for the site or purpose really helps too.



Is friendly fire a thing? What is it?

Friendly fire in Art Fight means to attack someone on the same team as opposed to attacking someone on the opposite team, and It most definitely is a thing! You’d attack them just like you would anybody else, except since the goal is to attack people on the other team, friendly fire will not count for points.


New Additions!


In addition, the site got some awesome features added by the awesome @Morichinatsu

We bring to you…
  • The ability to re-order your characters! This will be seen in

  • Directly bookmark characters on user pages.

  • Profile comments! These can be disabled in your settings.

  • Link to your twitter or instagram.

  • A “Follows You” indicator on user profiles!

  • “Random Character” button found on the Browse dropdown.

  • And we also updated the maturity guide with awesome examples!




    Here’s a few helpful links to get you started:





    If you have a question, don’t hesitate to join us on the Discord server. Staff there can help you out!

    Posted by Takaia on 26 June 2017 11:36:30 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)
    Just a few more days until Art Fight begins on July 1st, 12:00 PM MST

    Aside from getting your profiles and characters ready, there's a few ways you can prepare for the event. 

    As a reminder, please note that attacks should not be made before-hand, and can only be made during the event. This is put in order to keep things fair! 

    You may also find it handy to look over the About, Rules, and FAQ, to make sure you know what's up!  

    Feel free to join us in our Discord chat and hang out, ask questions, and get to know your fellow fighters! 

    Get ready for another great year of Art Fight!  

    Posted by Biscuit on 16 June 2017 03:21:47 AM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)
    As of today, there is now a new rules page, separate from the Terms of Service for your convenience. This page can be found up in the "Info" dropdown in the site header.

    Though it is important for and expected all users to read the Terms of Service, this should hopefully serve as a easier way to check up on the rules. 

    Please look them over, and never hesitate to ask a moderator if you have any questions! 
    Posted by Takaia on 14 June 2017 06:00:09 PM (Edited by Takaia 7 years ago)
    Art Fight 2017 will be starting July 1st at 12:00 PM server time (MST)! 
    It won't be long now, so prepare your characters and sharpen your pencils and join us for another amazing month! 
    The teams will be revealed at the start of the event.