
Posted by Biscuit on 21 June 2018 11:50:55 PM (Edited by Biscuit 6 years ago)
New Attack Scoring System and Categories
The new attack category system is here just in time for Art Fight 2018! We hope the categories are clearer, but just in case you still have some questions, we also updated the
Attack Category guide to reflect our changes!

A huge thank you goes out to everyone that contributed art to it:

altaria Axel Biscuit @CanaryOfAzurite cedes classicturtle @coconutmoose DatFluffyPillow @Dzuma elikapika emmabebe fable furystarcat iownfish @Jam3sArt JaniToad jenn @KauzAtticfail @KitsuneZakuro LakeLake @LittleWoodlouse Obscuritea ori panstarry Pilot Razouru Razu @Reptonic Rottweiler @RumpPlug Ryderbread @sanguynn Sixbane snarbs Washy Wolfhowl

Also, now would be a good time to go over our rules and TOS again, as well as the maturity guides, in order to insure your Art Fight experience this year goes smoothly!

We hope you guys are as excited for this years fight as we are, happy art fighting!
Posted by Rainy on 7 June 2018 09:20:35 PM (Edited by Rainy 6 years ago)

Youtube Video

I've wanted to create a video about Art Fight for a long time and I finally got to do it! Please share it around with your friends and use it as a explanation whenever you can! Big thanks to AuthorOfDragons for making this possible with the awesome voice. 

Click here to watch!

DeviantArt Stamps

We also have some DeviantART stamp goodies brought to you by @Sanguynn! 

(image just a preview, click link below to use them)

Click here to use them!

Feel free to use them on your social medias, just credit

Maturity Guides

Over the past few weeks we’ve been working to update our maturity filter guides, along with a few rule changes regarding our body horror filters as well! 
- We’ve edited them to try and make what is allowed without a filter, and what needs a filter, more clear to everyone! 
- We’ve updated and added new visual guides to both the body horror and gore pages, as well as added descriptions of what is and isn’t okay without a filter. 
- We’ve even added a quick “cheat sheet” so you can tell at a glance what needs filtering!
You can go here to see the updated guides!
Posted by Takaia on 5 June 2018 01:06:48 AM
I know, it's a meme now, but we had to do it. Please go over our Privacy Policy because it's almost completely changed. By continuing to use Art Fight, you are responsible for and agreeing to the new policy.

The home page notification about this will go away in a while, just want to make sure people see it first.

Posted by Rainy on 10 May 2018 10:53:21 PM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Volunteer Attack Examples Call

With the help of your feedback via the user surveys, the staff has been working on revisions to the attack categories and attack guide! 
Since Art Fight is just around the corner we were hoping to get a hand from you guys once again but this time with art examples for the guide! We want our examples to show diversity in art style so the categories are clearer!
If you're interested in joining the Guide Art Crew, and providing art for the guide, please fill out this form! Those accepted will gain access to a temporary server focused around improving the guide.

You can apply here!

Art Fight Start Date Confirmed

We recently have confirmed that Art Fight will start July 1st! We understand it can be confusing to new people, so I've made up a little informational thing about Art Fight. 

What is Art Fight?

Art Fight is a web-based graphic art game that was created in 2007 in order to inspire creativity and fun among different communities of artists! The fight lasts for one month each year, usually in the summer, and returns annually.

How does it work?

Players are split into two teams (based on a theme) and "attack" by drawing art for members of the other team. Each attack is worth a specific number of points based upon effort, completion, and detail. At the end of the month, the team with the greater score wins.
Read more here. 

How do join teams?

You cannot join a team yet. You will be able to when the event starts on July 1st!
While waiting, come join us on the Discord server! We're super friendly and would love to have you.

Twitch Streaming

We recently started streaming on Twitch for our Featured Character minigame. If you don't know what that is, catch us in the Art Fight Discord and read #minigames-info after you've been verified. Everyday at 8:30 AF time we stream the random selection of the featured character. If you would like to join in, catch us at the Twitch!

Posted by Rainy on 21 March 2018 09:24:55 PM (Edited by Rainy 6 years ago)
As some of you might realize, the Art Fight rating system is not flawless, and needs some improvements. So in an attempt to improve the attack rating system, we were hoping to get some user feedback via surveys! There are currently 2 surveys you can take. 

How do you categorize attacks?

This survey consists of 22 attacks that you will be categorizing yourself. Please categorize the following art pieces based on how YOU think they fit each category. Please do not refer to Art Fight's category guide for this survey. We want to see how you categorize attacks by your own standards. You can take the survey here.

How do you want to see attacks categorized?

In this survey we're trying to gather information about how people feel about our current categorization system as well as get everyone's opinion on potential changes. Take the survey here.

Thank you for participating in our surveys! Your feedback is extremely valuable to us. 
Posted by Rainy on 4 February 2018 01:57:49 AM (Edited by Rainy 2 years ago)

Final Theme Poll

As some of you may remember, it's been about one month since we released stage 1 of the Art Fight 2018 theme poll. We’re happy to say that we got over 3,000 votes! With that, it is time for the grand finale, stage 2, the final poll. This poll is a little different from stage 1, because you can only vote for one option. Choose wisely! 

Vote here.

Volunteer Applications Update

Just a little update to say that we’ve advanced a batch of people onto the next stage of the process of becoming a volunteer for Art Fight. If you applied in May 2017 and you haven’t heard from us, please know that your application is no longer being considered. However, if you applied in 2018 (or on new year’s eve 2017), your application may be still considered. Applications are remaining open for now while we’re choosing new staff, so if you applied in 2017 but have something new to tell us, you can apply again.

We’re still interested in more moderators, and especially programmers. You can apply here whenever!
Posted by Biscuit on 1 January 2018 01:15:05 AM (Edited by Biscuit 2 years ago)
Art Fight Volunteer Applications & Theme Poll

Volunteer Applications

In time for the new year, we decided to open up volunteer applications! We are now accepting new applications for positions like: 
chat moderators for the Discord server.
- attack moderators for when AF starts (July/August).
programmers to help develop the site.
- more! 

It is required for you to have at least participated in at least 1 Art Fight event. You must be at least 13 years old to apply. 

Old applications that didn't get a response from us will still be considered, but feel free to reapply if you feel you have more to add. If you previously applied and want to withdraw your application, please contact Takaia

Apply here

Theme Poll 

We apologize for the little delay, but the theme poll is now out and ready for your votes! This is stage 1, which means there’s 25 themes to vote on (you can vote for multiple). Stage 2 will bring you the top 5 most voted themes from stage 1, and whatever gets the most votes on Stage 2, will be the theme of Art Fight 2018. 

Vote here

We hope everyone has a great 2018!
Posted by Biscuit on 15 November 2017 02:40:10 PM (Edited by Takaia 6 years ago)
Hello everyone! 

We wanted to release an update news post since it has been a while since we last released one, but also because we have exciting news!  

Art Fight Secret Santa 

We are proud to announce that Art Fight will be officially hosting a Secret Santa on the official Art Fight Discord!

What is a “Secret Santa”?

Secret Santas are pretty simple. Once you sign up to participate, you’re put into a pool of participants. Then, you will be randomly assigned to a person to be their secret santa, meaning it’s your job to secretly give them a nice gift. You will, of course, also get a random secret santa of your own, who will be giving you a gift. Since this is Art Fight, we are limiting gifts to be art created by the secret santa themself. It’s basically like Art Fight but more structured, and in winter.

How To Enter

You will need to enter using this form. The form will be open for the rest of November, closing on the 30th at 11:59pm (AF time). You will then be DM’d through Discord sometime between the 1st - 3rd of December with a notice of who you are to draw a gift for. The deadline for finishing gifts will be 31st of December. It is required you are in the Discord Server to be able to participate. The level of finish of your completed piece should, at minimum, be colored. If you use lines, you should at least refine your sketch.


A few weeks ago on the Art Fight Discord, we started a bi-weekly drawing prompt event, and we thought it was about time we told everyone else about the fun! Every 2 weeks, a new prompt will be released. Each prompt will rotate between situation based prompt, a character based prompt, and an environment based prompt.

At the end of each prompt, we release a collage of all the entries and a collage for the staff’s favorites! It’s completely optional to participate, just something fun for the Discord to help it stay alive!

More info can be found in the Discord Server at #prompts-info.

Theme Poll

Like last year, we released two polls concerning next year’s theme. The first poll (first stage) had around 20 options you could vote for, and you could vote for as many as you would like. We would give that a few weeks, and then release a second poll (second stage) with 3-5 top voted themes from the last poll. Whichever theme got the most votes on the second poll would be the theme for next year!

We expect to release the first voting stage of the Art Fight 2018 Theme poll December 17th, so look forward to that!


Thank you for being so patient on waiting for your achievement badges! More news on them will come soon.

Posted by Takaia on 5 August 2017 03:49:01 AM (Edited by Rainy 3 years ago)


Final Score 

599,644.7  vs 598,258.52  

Good job everyone! 


We are working on coding in an automatic achievement system, so achievements won’t be handed out right away. We will be releasing a separate news post showcasing the badges when we are ready! 


The attack that did the most damage, with the most amount of characters from the opposing team, is “THE COLOSSAL ATTACK OF 2017” by Dapuffster for an amazing 397.75 points, featuring 57 characters!  

There were 5 other attacks that did more than 150+ points of damage. Click to check them out:

Staff Picks:

some attacks that the staff loved:


A total of 143,381 attacks were made!

16,614 of the attacks were friendly fires.

Moon made 62,753 attacks.

Sun made 64,014 attacks.

Over 35,000 new users joined us this year. In total, we have over 45,000 users total, including those from last year. Of those users, 26,562 of them took part in the fight!

Our discord server also saw massive growth and now boasts over 9,000 users!

The longest attack chain belonged to @Habentes and @sardlne, with a chain of 158!

Sixbane did 431 attacks for team Sun, the most out of anyone once again!

Roseyshining did the most attacks for team Moon with 257 attacks!

Participating users averaged 4.8 attacks for the month.

303 different people donated, making a total gain of $6001

That’s an average donation of $19.50 per person.

We accomplished all 4 tiers of our donation goal!

A huge thank you to everyone who donated! We are so grateful for all the donations this year.

Thank you to these users that were very helpful and  earned the helpful member achievement this year:


For being an amazing person and offering to do donator art rewards.

For making the amazing illustrations in our About page and advertising Art Fight quite excessively.


For being a friendly presence in the Discord and helping out users.


For also being a kindhearted and helpful person in the Discord.


For doing a ton of Art Fight related streams, advertising it in a positive way.


For helping the moderators out and reporting attacks a lot!

For also helping out the moderators by reporting a ton!

Give these users a follow, they deserve it!

P.S.: Goodies!
by Daarka

Answers to common questions:

      • The site will remain up and be available for viewing just like before, just without the ability to do stuff with attacks.

      • If you’d like to continue attacking others, a good alternative is an art trade conducted via PM here, our chat, or other platform of your choice.

      • We are still accepting donations! Any donations made during the time between fights will be put towards your donation total for the upcoming fight.

      • Donation perks from this year’s fight will expire at the beginning of the fight next year. Takaia will be contacting those who got art perks shortly.

We want your feedback!

You can tell us what you thought with the 2017 feedback survey and the #suggestions channel on Discord

Want a say in next year’s theme? Tell us which ideas you like! (Please no joke ideas though, it’s a lot to go through)

Thank you all for participating in Art Fight 2017: Moon vs Sun!!

Please consider going back and thanking all of your attackers for the wonderful work they did for you!

And thank you to all of our generous donators!

@silverpinerock @thegeekynobody @foxeye Kattles @finnabun @relicsage @Iwai traditionalbelle @Sanguynn @AlienAlfredo @Tenhei @Aurigami Biscuit Sixbane Poppln bizarrebloodyprince @Kunfex jenn @TheMunstacat @Chillinq Uluri CLOWN @sardlne AllyRat HAMON-HUNTER codycrumbs Xionatia @Deuyuni provie anon PuppyParade sodakissed @mindbite Daarka pansol @owliegator Blue @HorrorSympathy lurkingintheburbs smolsketch @Habentes NaritaCoree clefable SquallyScribbler BiscuitMom @carev50 Devria Delle Zem-Zem TalesofTales cedes @fauxnee Liss-ka rabbitos @Chrysanthanos Kitsunka Mirandemia @Gheysnakelady @clarabellums-art @SushiAddict tacitgrey Dia-Dear loofs @wifitears @DivideByZiro Muckmon @arxcanis miinmo @Cat-Mum soot @Sabertooth pencilhandz CircusBalloon lulu @Tackytician @WingedWolfAlari @DemonicMapler AbsoluteDisaster Aku @ZyanShepard @CircusCeal SoloRoko Harambe Leviathel Whelpsy minniesalinas @echobade Ember RuffledGryphon sweetienectar MondaiSenshi Pomihei @BlzingAshez @BlazingAshez Rillrex @Moonaloo midnight-soliloquy @BillyMaws AcrylicIce Goldkin lavellan @Goldflower CosmicBites @Friskyfrisks @Adralie @CharlyBell @andonuts Sneaky @oaakart @warpstrike Kaii @YukiKitty KingGrif boobun Mychelle Erradox Windreda Herobula AxisGenesis sharkboy lucifer @Appletail @darkstarthegreat Ezilyn synchra MEAT Twinsharks GreaserParty gaydeer Feather-Dancer @kotorozec @Sayskel alchemy CoffeyTime Garrot @bittydanca @xia-che softserveshiba leaffkun Pika MissZas @ninairy ChuraGhost MagicaJaphet @Donutley MugOfAtmosphere @ hyskm @asianlyobsessed jerk CosimaRose lewis Boeing @katriel Gainstrive Anima @Dimitrix trashguts ARTFIGHTwoof MaxBlossom @zeezie @Featherkissed MyEmeraldTears @TickTockTimepiece @Miracledoq @l0wlife KibblesDoodles Raven606 inkygem hoxau bookfangeek @ghostiart @Bunnikkila jakdacrowe PkingSora tenta Doqfood RottenCavity NotMerdoc @necroire Murderdoc @Jeffotron @wonkabee @Ørion RicePoison @rainydaysforus @KatzenErzahlung skulldog Broeckchen @SilverEEclipse LittleGoats novatea Forelle @MyxxItUp neuroticmoths -Prince- @bagelish captainsparx @habentes @mer-cy kelso skullbird Midinion zazpie transparentChaos MeowChirp @Aainsleyy raichu @Litl Smol Otter Eclipsion cryptidcore Sedoris @mafaniko Hiro @WhovianRinny ball-pythons Shinkei-Shinto Ahstraval @Penumbrawolfy Zors-toychest Sno Captain-Bird dispictured lankylunatic teethfangz pangosachi vorpos Riaburr teasprout SpamJamz Glitterbark tesla TheCentaurIsMe @reiketto Melybelly @Soup-medic Coelacanth Dapuffster @Danny_Phantom @TheGeneraless wrexie catsthetics Marshie @Ursidaed @sproutpaw @karpoi @sashimisenpai TaytoSeal @BonsaiBurger @shl33b @ Xilac SailorBeezus Megalodon @panicdog @PelicanBitten HoleWeet cattun @Zoraproxi @Mistydash @quarkury KenazRavenTooth Nekato ArachneNet @Xenophillia cedar-bastion Dai Nona darkmysterycat hatoCAFE @Pupom Varkarrus RedRed TGI sleepystarpup @The_Shadster universeofnya @Gauntlet lulubelleluna @Riivih Jerichoe @brotienshake crowqrince MissyR bunnicat HunterStirling Arlihoo genia anonBIRD Sweetntreat sweetmalva Ashkitty plumepox J_N @doodlebot RamenMeow @Yuki14208 letscake @oliveanimates stars pentbellz hedgemaze @morichinatsu
Posted by Takaia on 4 August 2017 05:25:56 AM (Edited by Takaia 3 years ago)
We diligently skimmed through your attacks looking for stuff like missed duplicates and making sure we got the blob characters fixed. We were hoping that by doing so, it would cause the score to trend in an obvious direction, but instead throughout the day it went back and forth. Since the score so close even now, I've decided the mods need more time to go through everything so that we make sure the final verdict is fair. I've also decided that they need some rest as well, so we're delaying our final call. I appreciate your patience. Please also note that your chance to report any incorrectly rated attacks has also been extended a little bit, and you're encouraged to do so!
Thank you all so much for participating in Art Fight this year! I'm so happy you're here.
- Takaia